View Full Version : Looking for ways to cope

10-24-2013, 07:43 AM
Hi, I found this site after a google search and I'm hoping to find some new coping techniques and support for my generalized anxiety disorder and the depression it triggers.
I first realized there was a problem my freshman year in college- I'd missed a class while sick and the next time I went into that class I had a full blown panic attack and couldn't stop thinking about what I'd missed, would we have a test that day, etc. Long story short, after nearly a year of pretending there was no problem and lying to my family, I dropped out. I couldn't even go into a classroom without panicking.
I've come a long way since then- I spent 6 years in the military where I learned the majority of my coping techniques and such. My most effective tool to date is the "What's the worst case scenario?" game. You see, I don't fear death or major catastrophes, I fear little daily tasks like making phone calls, doing paperwork or paying bills. I haven't been on medication for a long time- right after I was formally diagnosed I found out I was pregnant and went off the meds. That was three years ago and I haven't been back on them since. I'm hoping to change that soon, but the VA clinic is a slow moving entity.
I have noticed that since my son was born, I have alot more anxiety born of feeling a lack of control of my environment. I get claustrophobic much more easily, my house always has to be clean, and my husband's spontaneous nature bothers me a lot more now then it ever has.

So, I plan to linger on here alot and learn from others who are going through the same things I am. Thanks for letting me get it all out there!

10-24-2013, 12:27 PM
Welcome to the forum. Good to have you as a member. We all suffer from something or other. So you are with like minded people. If you have questions just post them away and I am sure you will an answer from one of the members. Good to read that you done so well for so long. To look back at those years, it should show you what you can do again. You sound like a fighter. Which is a good thing. Not uncommon to feel various types of anxiety and other things after having a new baby. Any roads. Enjoy the forum.