View Full Version : Any advice please?!?!?

10-23-2013, 06:02 PM
So in having this issue where I have pain / soreness in my chest on my left side I'm convince it's lung cancer since I'm a smoker .... I also have had a runny nose and now I have a cough........ Also I found a lump in my neck I freaked thought it was cancer I had a ct and it turned out its just a gland but now it's starting to hurt so now I'm nervous it's now cancer

10-24-2013, 04:05 AM
You could do the most simple and obvious thing. Have a few tests done for cancer. But chances are they will come back negative. I am sure you have been here before. The same sort of thoughts. Probably a few times. I doubt this is the first time you ever thought you had lung cancer. Good to keep track of those past times. Be it in a journal of some kind. So you can look back over it. See with your own eyes that what you thought you had in the past, you never really had. The mind can play tricks on us. Make us think the worst. Two choices. Give it a week or two and see if it clears up. Or go get tested again.