View Full Version : This headache isnt going away..

10-23-2013, 05:20 PM
So I've had this kind of dull ache in my head since Monday, I woke up with it on Monday morning and thought to myself what the hell is that. It seems to move around my head but hasn't got any worse or better. I was feeling completely healthy and my anxiety has been quiet for the week before this. Now I've noticed this I have been obsessing over it since and the anxiety is back.

I do have a swollen node on my neck that has been there 3 months now, I've had this checked by several doctors and they've all said its nothing.

Has anyone else had this? I'm going insane as I am a hypochondriac and I'm starting to think the node is cancer and it's spread to my brain or something! :/

10-23-2013, 09:39 PM
It's probably a migraine. I get them all of the time and they're so bothersome. I get them on either side in the back if my head behind my ears. Just try to distract yourself and drink a lot of water.

10-23-2013, 10:01 PM
I do not know, migraine looks different. I think you getting your sinuses infected. The node is not cancer but it says that something is going on. I had really bad sinuses. When I get the dull headache, I use warm compress on my head, the dull pain is due the pressure in sinuses. The raspberry tea can bring some relieve. press lightly above your eyes if it hurts it is sinuses. Sinus rinse could help.

10-24-2013, 06:01 AM
I had headaches everyday for two weeks before. I went to the doctor and she was brilliant, she checked me over and said that it wasn't a brain tumour (I'd convinced myself that it was!!). She knew I was stressed and what she told me was to forget about the headaches, to try my best not to think about them and let her worry about my symptoms and to come back two weeks later and they pretty much went immediately. She was right, it must have been the stress.

10-24-2013, 06:26 AM
I am right there with you. I've had headaches go on for days at a time. what I do is use ice at the base of my neck for about 10-15 minutes then take it off for about 20 minutes and repeat. if it's a migraine, the ice will constrict the vessels (in a migraine, the vessels actually expand which is opposite of a regular headache).

try that and see how it works for you. if it doesn't work try using a heating pad set on low.

feel better!

10-24-2013, 08:29 AM
it is possible that it is migraine, but not necessary. I had migraines for years, and I could not tolerate any light, any noise, and it was awful. I get the tension headache but Tylenol usually takes care of that. The pain kelseyt described look to me different. There is also headache due to higher blood pressure. We can only share our expediences not diagnose anything. Diagnosis lets leave to doctor, which you should visit due the constant pain to exclude other options. Good luck ;)