View Full Version : Shortness of breathe.

10-23-2013, 02:16 PM
I get shortness of breathe everyday. sighing and trying to yawn/breathe in a lot! been this way for like 8 month! anyone else?

10-23-2013, 05:34 PM
Your picture looks very young. That is a shame anxiety got you so early.

Shortness of breath is pretty common.

When you get anxious you breathe shallow and causes you to focus even more and you get more concerned and scares.

So you get even more short-breathed.

Stupid cycle.

Stop the cycle by belly breathing normally.

It will stop.

10-23-2013, 06:38 PM
I learned a lot about shortness of breath and that feeling that you need to yawn through my counsellor. The amt of co2 and o2 in your blood is like a teeter totter. If you breathe shallow and fast, as we with anxiety do, then the balance becomes out of whack. I know it doesn't feel like it but what is happening is you actually have too much oxygen. You need to try hard to breath with your diaphragm, and in for 3 counts, hold for 3 counts, and exhale for 3 counts. It is VERY uncomfortable to breath like this and it is also uncomfortable to feel like you're never getting enough air, but I promise it is the exact opposite. You are getting plenty of air, you will not pass out, and it is just your body's way of trying to regain equilibrium and get the balance again. Let me know if this doesn't make sense to you and I will reference the notes she gave me. Bc I too struggles with this, still do from time to time. Slooooww your breathing is the trick :)

Chris C
10-23-2013, 06:53 PM
Go to anxietycoach.com and click on belly breathing near the bottom left. very good description of proper belly breathing.

I've been practicing this for a while and it definitely helps.

10-24-2013, 05:50 AM
Thanks, it's a struggle everyday even wen I'm feeling ok my breathing isn't

10-24-2013, 06:56 AM
Just have to try and not think about it as much, your body will not let your air become too out of balance, you will automatically breathe.