View Full Version : Reading emotions?

Over Analyzer
10-23-2013, 12:57 PM
Does anyone else feel that though our anxiety might take us the wrong direction, that we do have an uncanny sensitivity to emotions? We tend to be way more sensitive to nonverbal emotional cues than other people. Just curious...

10-23-2013, 01:24 PM
Absolutely we are more sensitive. Physically and emotionally, we are on HIGH ALERT at all times. We also perceive so many things about ourselves as negative or wrong, it's easy to do the same with other people. Interpreting them incorrectly, as we do our own thoughts or symptoms. I do my very best not to worry too much about what other people are thinking or feeling. I spent so many years worrying about every little thing I said, how it was taken by someone else, etc. All it did was tear me down emotionally.

Over Analyzer
10-23-2013, 01:35 PM
I try to fight that urge. It is a battle every day. How did you find best to let it go?

10-23-2013, 01:46 PM
If someone had asked me what my main flaw was when I was younger (I'm 34, so we're talking early 20's), then I would say I "over-analyzed every little thing", so I know where you are coming from. Something changed in me as I started getting older. It still bothers me, but it's like a surface thing, instead of something I allow to get under my skin. I think diverting my thoughts to something else has helped me the most. I know I'm making it sound easier than it is, but over time I have trained myself to let things like that go. I have enough issues, without thinking of what every single person I ever spoke with thinks about what I said or did! :)

Over Analyzer
10-23-2013, 01:52 PM
You made me feel bad I am 39 guess I am a late bloomer. I hate being obsessed with everything, but in the past seven years the stressors have really targeted me. I guess that is why my ability to cope with the anxiety got out of hand. It was mentally exhausting before, but add in outside stress and well for me impossible.

10-23-2013, 06:49 PM
I'm definitely over sensitive to the manner in which other people say and do - looks, tone of voice, choice of words, etc. If I perceived negativity from them I used to think that it was because of something I did wrong. However, I've had to learn that it's not me who always has a problem - it's them. It's not easy - I have to practice healthier thoughts all the time. But you know how the saying goes - you can't please all people all the time!