View Full Version : Out of Place?

Over Analyzer
10-23-2013, 12:32 PM
It is odd. I feel my anxiety is just as bad as every one, but yet so different. I do have the anxiety attacks, but I just have gotten to the point I am not afraid of death. Sometimes the quiet it is perceived to bring would be welcome. No, not suicidal just indifferent. My anxiety at it's root is over perfection, loss of friends and loved ones, and paranoid thoughts. It is a circle in my head that often hurts what I try hardest not to lose. Just can not stop. I am at a conference it is all I can do not to use every tool to check on my wife and kids.

10-23-2013, 06:56 PM
That exercise I told you about might help with the paranoid thoughts - http://www.threeminutetherapy.com/exercise.html