View Full Version : Fighting and feeling a little better

10-23-2013, 10:36 AM
So after a daily struggle of my anxiety, I finally feel like its finally releasing its stranglehold just a bit. My appetite is slowly starting to come back, after not being able to eat much for a week or so.

The only thing I'm still struggling with is this feeling of chronic fatigue...not affecting my whole body, just my eyes. My eyes seem to tire so quickly when watching tv or working on my computer recently. I just had bloodwork done less than two months ago, nothing was found at all. I am still dealing with my monthly...which perhaps might be the cause??? I've never dealt with this in previousv monthly cycles. ...but this anxiety thing has a way of supplying a never ending list of different symptoms........has this happened to anyone? Physically I am getting more than enough sleep....but my eyes seem to feel like they are straining.

10-23-2013, 12:16 PM
I was feeling this way before I started the med I'm on. Are you taking anything? I know that's not always the right option for everyone, but starting an antidepressant showed me how really fatigued I was from dealing with the anxiety, and how depressed I had become about it. I DEFINITELY get fatigued once per month, that will take it out of you for sure!

10-23-2013, 02:12 PM
I was taking zoloft and buspar in the past but had stopped the buspar. The anxiety has now come back full force......but this blasted fatigue started since last week and hasmt let up yet. My body doesnt feel tired though, its just my eyes that feel strained and overworked and somewhat sensitive to light. Its a weird feeling........its not my glasses....I got new ones recently...a few months ago.....I'm just wondering if this is possibly a new anxiety symptom.I've been honestly stressing about it....looking at everything from lupus, lyme disease, epison Barr, and I keep coming back to anxiety. I took a half a xanax and it hasn't changed anything....arg.....I'm so frustrated.