View Full Version : Panic Attacks at night!

10-23-2013, 12:29 AM
Hi all!

I keep waking up in middle of night (always around same time, about 00.45 - 01.00) in panic attack and then struggle to get back to sleep for a while!

It's strange that's it's always around the same time?! Anyone else get this?

I wake up feeling totally shattered!

10-23-2013, 02:52 AM
Hi all! I keep waking up in middle of night (always around same time, about 00.45 - 01.00) in panic attack and then struggle to get back to sleep for a while! It's strange that's it's always around the same time?! Anyone else get this? I wake up feeling totally shattered! I get bad dreams that wake me up most just b4 I die in them

10-23-2013, 03:13 PM
Hi all!

I keep waking up in middle of night (always around same time, about 00.45 - 01.00) in panic attack and then struggle to get back to sleep for a while!

It's strange that's it's always around the same time?! Anyone else get this?

I wake up feeling totally shattered!

I get something like this. It is super weird how it's always the same time. I literally don't even need to look at my watch. Luckily it doesn't happen often. But when it does, it ALWAYS happens at the same time. Between 45 minutes to an hour after I fall asleep, which is normally between 12.30 and 1.30 am. I will wake up with a jolt and it feels like my whole body is shaking. Or almost, more like vibrating. Like I'm shaking on the inside. It's so hard to explain. Then I immediately leap out of bed, but I feel extremely disoriented and shaky. Usually I have to hold on to something. It feels like I can't breathe properly and I feel like I'm going to collapse. Luckily it passes quite quickly, but it always give me a hell of a shock.

I just don't understand why it always happens at the same time. I guess it must have something to do with the different stages of sleep. I've tried to read up about this but can't find anything that really explains it. There is something called "Night Terrors" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_terror, but it's not really that, although it does have some similar characteristics. And it's interesting that Night Terrors also typically happen in the first hour or so of sleep, suggesting that it really is something to do with our brainwaves at that time.

10-23-2013, 03:27 PM
Yeah, mine is always about 45 mins - 1 hour after falling asleep! Think it's because that's when we are in early stages of sleep, not deep sleep, or something like that!

Strange huh! I am then shattered all day at work, but when it comes to going to bed & switching my tv off...wide awake again!

10-23-2013, 03:31 PM
I am then shattered all day at work, but when it comes to going to bed & switching my tv off...wide awake again!

Yes, I get that too and I hate it!! Tired all day and then wide awake late at night!!! You must be my long lost twin!!! ;)