View Full Version : Constantly analysing how i feel

10-22-2013, 09:11 PM
Hardly have a moment when I am not scanning my body for physical symptoms.

From the moment I wake up I ask myself "am I dizzy, am I off balance, do I feel lightheaded" the list goes on and plays on repeat 24/7.

If I feel the tiniest thing within my body it freaks me out "what was that" "am I going to pass out, have a seizure or drop dead"

It does my head in! Annoying thing is that I Prob had all these fleeting feelings and symptoms prior to my anxiety disorder but took no notice!!


10-22-2013, 10:16 PM
Me, too. I've convinced myself I'm going to die young. I worry when I feel good because I obsess that others think I'm acting strange or manic - which I've never been manic. I had a swollen and painful lymph node for a few days and thought it was cancer.

10-22-2013, 10:56 PM
OP does asking the questions sometimes cause the symptoms you worry about having?

10-22-2013, 11:09 PM
OP does asking the questions sometimes cause the symptoms you worry about having?

Yep I'm sure I talk myself into them

10-23-2013, 05:09 AM
Yep I'm sure I talk myself into them

No I don't mean "do you persuade yourself that the symptoms are true", I mean "does the very act of thinking increase your anxiety to the point of making one of the symptoms actually occur?"

10-23-2013, 05:13 AM
When I would get up in the morning I would go over a checklist of how I would feel, like scanning for anything wrong...so I would put my mind at an anxious state first thing--and I hadn't even had my orange juice! Then once morning when I was going over in my head of everything that felt off, I was just soooo tired of it and was just like, "Oh whatever! I always feel like crap in the morning!! And I haven't died yet!" And then I remembered a time when I felt all these little twinges and pains and I never freaked out before.....it seems like once we have it in our head, we don't want to let go that easily--I still have that first instinct to obsess over the pains when I get them, but it's better.. it just takes extra practice for us to ignore those pains and just write them off as normal..

10-23-2013, 06:07 AM
I do this every day I hate how we make ourselves feel I hat anxiety

10-23-2013, 07:48 AM
This is a mild form of obsessing. These ruminations and worries lead to anxiety and if psychotherapy hasn't/doesn't help find and address a cause to decrease them and anxiety, an ssri often helps a great deal. Alankay

10-23-2013, 08:28 AM
I'm exactly the same! I'm always checking for symptoms and sometimes I think I can taste blood in my mouth. There never actually is any it's just my mind playing tricks on me.
I've gotten so bad lately that just a headache makes me think I have a brain tumour.

I also always check my body for anything abnormal at least once a day.

Then again health anxiety can start to form OCD because you start to do a sort of ritual of checking and asking yourself if you feel something.

Don't worry you are not alone. :)

10-23-2013, 12:10 PM
I find myself doing this even when I'm not really anxious, as I believe it's become habit over all these years. Do I feel dizzy? Is my eyesight blurry? Is my left arm hurting from typing, or something else? Does my head hurt? God... you get tired of your own questions!!

10-23-2013, 02:40 PM
Yes I'm the same. Soon as I have a pain I thinks it's the end for me and I always think the worst. The more I think about it the more pain I feel. I have had a sharp shooting pain above my left breast on and of today and keep thinking it's my heart. Does anyone take anything to control these feelings.