View Full Version : Relationship and Anxiety!

Over Analyzer
10-22-2013, 07:01 PM
Being new I think I am going to have a million posts. I think I am safe to identify I am a 39 year old male. One of the bigger issues I am dealing with is my anxiety and my wife's friendships. It is bad, especially dealing with male friends. I see an accepted friend request on facebook and my anxiety is in high gear. Any time she is posting, and it appears she is trying to hide it I am freaked. I realize the irrational process to it, but still it goes deep. Especially when she lied to me once about ending a friendship on facebook, and then I caught her continuing it on a secret email account. I know my mind plays tricks on me, but how does a person cope...

j brown
10-22-2013, 07:45 PM
I went thru some of the same things before at the end of the day you have trust her and give your relationship to god. Starting fights and bringing up unnecessary issues is never the answer , I went through that a lot this year.. You have trust until u find something really wrong and enjoy each other. since I stopped worrying bout every little thing and just focused on enjoying each other everything been great

Over Analyzer
10-22-2013, 08:09 PM
It is literally fighting a battle with your self every day. Sometimes I am exhausted just processing my anxiety. Some days are better, but after my dads heart attack it has been ridiculous. There have been events in the past seven years that have emotionally drained me. I am just at a point that my logical mind is giving way, and I do not feel the energy to keep blocking the anxious thoughts that are there. I need a break from my mind... If it makes sense.

j brown
10-22-2013, 08:13 PM
Yea it is over thinking I did it for a while especially when I was on graveyard I would call my wife even knowing she was sleep to see if she was on the other line, I was looking for any excuse to be mad, it was like I was hoping for the worst

Over Analyzer
10-22-2013, 08:21 PM
I would like to think this type of thing is confined to just simple jealousy. I have the same anxiety in other areas. The whole people talk about me, and etc. I even go through chains to concoct what issue friends, co-workers, and family members have with me. It is all in the name of acceptance and perfection. I am constantly setting my goal to perfection, but know by my own standards will never get there.

10-22-2013, 08:28 PM
It is literally fighting a battle with your self every day. Sometimes I am exhausted just processing my anxiety. Some days are better, but after my dads heart attack it has been ridiculous. There have been events in the past seven years that have emotionally drained me. I am just at a point that my logical mind is giving way, and I do not feel the energy to keep blocking the anxious thoughts that are there. I need a break from my mind... If it makes sense.

I feel the same way with my anxiety - fighting a battle with myself! It's like I said before - a struggle to separate the anxiety driven thoughts from reality. But I will tell you what others have told me : you are stronger than you think you are. I've had several really bad things happen to me over the past 7 years too but I'm still here and still doing my best to move forward. You can do it! :)

Over Analyzer
10-22-2013, 08:46 PM
Yes, I am just saying it would be nice to have a vacation from my mind. Maybe let an otherwise normal person have it for a day. I would love to share our perception with others. It would be interesting for them I am sure. I bet at the end of the day they would gladly give it back. Lol