View Full Version : Generalized Anxiety Disorder just found out I am a life long member.

Over Analyzer
10-22-2013, 05:38 PM
I have suffered for years with worry and anxiety. I always thought other people just felt the same way, but coped better with it. To guess I have had anxiety issues since grade school. Obsessing on thoughts, worrying, needing constant reassurance. My job and relationship issues are what finally drove me to get help. It was almost a relief to find out that everyone does not feel this, but now is the hard path I should not either. My world is upside down right now. What is my anxiety, and what is real perception. I have come here in hopes of finding some support. I am in rural America so support groups are not next door. If I am in the wrong spot let me know. Nice to have a site like this though. Hello all. :)

10-22-2013, 05:51 PM
You came to the right place! I too have GAD. I've had it on and off for several years. I struggle with the same issue of trying to separate my anxiety (irrational fears) from reality. I see and therapist and take meds. I read lots of self help books, very active into church, pray and meditate a lot, practice deep breathing, write in my journal, and exercise regularly at my local gym. All these things are very helpful to me, and maybe some of them could help you.

I had a particularly stressful day at work today. I'm very hard on myself if I make a mistake. My coworkers tell me don't worry, it's fixable, it's no big deal, but of course it's hard for me to relax.

I have a lot on my mind, and my father passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly a couple of months ago. So I've been tapping into all the helpful activities I mentioned earlier to try to keep the anxiety under control. Over the years I've learned better coping skills, but there have been times when it's rendered me completely unable to function.

So I understand what you are going through. Is there anything you are doing for yourself now that helps ease your anxiety?

Over Analyzer
10-22-2013, 06:08 PM
I really do not have a lot of outlets. I live in a very small town, but have suffered a lot of major stressors that have just thrown my anxiety into full swing. I knew about being anxious for a long time, but just recently realized all my issues were on this disorder. Talking to the therapist was enlightening, but then talking to my parents they told me I drove them nuts when I was little. Lol... In a nice way. Really, what is sleep? How do we tell ourselves our perceptions of looks we get, mistakes we make are not real? The predictions I can make based on my anxiety induced perception, and on the occasion it was correct. Yeah, I am having issues absorbing it. It has entered into my job and my marriage. Sorry, to go on.

10-22-2013, 06:19 PM
It's ok! It's good to chat with you! I understand how you feel. I'm a very sensitive person and I tend to over analyze things people say to me, looks, etc. I'm a people pleaser and can't stand to have anyone upset with me. But I've had to learn over time that the problem at lot of times is with he other person, not me. There are these worksheets that I do sometimes that help me out a lot. Do a google search for " three minute therapy" and there's a link on the page to an exercise / worksheet that you can print out. It makes you write down irrational thoughts you are having, refute them, and replace them with a more positive, realistic thought. This might help you with separating the anxiety driven thoughts from reality.

Over Analyzer
10-22-2013, 06:47 PM
This is interesting I might try that. Thanks....

10-22-2013, 08:34 PM
Here's the link to the worksheet!
