View Full Version : So Dizzy

10-22-2013, 04:03 PM
I have been dealing with anxiety for 15 years. I am 52. I thought I was doing really well, working, socializing, etc. and I thought I had everything under control. Still having anxiety, and anxiety attacks, but dealing with them to live a pretty normal life. Last month I got dizzy and it would not subside. Dr. sent me to ENT, who treated me for a sinus infection, never had any symptoms of sinus infection, but oh well. Upon returning for my follow up visit, he referred me to a Neurologist. I seen him last week and he said my most recent MRI showed nothing serious, but my blood pressure was sky high. ( 168/118 ). He told me to contact my family Dr. who had already prescribed fosonopril (20) mg. 2x a day. I check my bp regularly and it is always on the high side, but never this high. He prescribed Clonodine, .01 mg 2x a day. I am so dizzy now that I can barely walk. My vision is blurry and I just can't think straight. BP is under control though. Has anyone else dealt with Clonodine? Will this terrible dizziness subside. I can't even think straight. Would love to hear from someone who has had this kind of dizziness and "fog". Thanks

10-23-2013, 07:46 AM
I know I replied to your second post without reading this one. Your BP could have a lot to do with how you are feeling. Made more sense when I read this post. In the other reply I was making suggestions only. If your doctor gives you something for the BP, I would simply just take it. Not worry about it. It may be the answer you are looking for by way of helping you out with that dizzy feeling.

10-23-2013, 10:31 PM
Thanks for replying. It's nice to know that someone else cares. Went to thr Dr. today. He changed my dosage of bp meds and added a water pill to help bp and dizziness. Got to check my bp twice daily and check back with him next week. My anxiety level is very high due to this, but thankfully no panic attacks from it.
I call my self a silent sufferer. I try not to bother other family or friends with my anxiety problems. I'm usually the one taking care of everyone else . Right now I need to focus on me to get better. That's why it is so nice to be able to vent on here and get feedback. Thanks again!

10-24-2013, 03:58 AM
Think about yourself first. You are what is important right now. Running around the place for others could only be making things worse. Try and slow down a bit. Give yourself some time just for yourself daily. To be able to do what you want to do. Once you get the BP sorted out, you can take on doing things again. But now you have to look after number 1. That been you.