View Full Version : Irrational Thoughts and Restlessness

10-22-2013, 01:54 PM
Hey everyone, I'm new here maybe someone can help me. About a good week ago I was fine. Everything seemed normal. Than I started getting really weird thoughts that aren't rational, and I know arent true. Some of these thoughts are:

Gay thoughts (but they don't stimulate me).
My car will break down
I'm going mental
I have lung cancer or some disease
I stopped liking the way I look
My girlfriend is talking behind my back

Now I'm happily in a relationship with my beautiful girlfriend. We have a healthy sex life, in fact we just had sex 3 days ago (now she's on her period). My car has some issues but it's fine, I know I don't have cancer, and everyone has always told me im very good looking.

What the heck is the cause of all these irrational thoughts? I used to watch alot of porn (straight porn), I smoke ciggs, drink alot of coffee. My job does stress me out... I work with all women and they get on my nerves. I've been wanting to secretly quit lately but I depend on my income.
This makes me think of my future and I panic.

I quit porn 5 days ago, I quit smoking as of yesterday, and I haven't drank coffee either. Trying to eliminate stress.

I have really bad anxiety don't I? How can I cure these irrational thoughts and get back to where I was not that long ago.

I feel haunted by these thoughts all the time! Like my mind forces me to think of them. I often find myself starring blankly into space and than snap back into it.