View Full Version : Xanax and Alcohol timing

10-22-2013, 08:19 PM
Hi there. I have anxiety disorder and I take Zoloft and Xanax. I've been told that I shouldn't drinking heavily while on this medication. I'm really glad that you eat healthy and exercise. That is a big help! And it's good that you take your medicine as your doctor has directed. But it might be better to ask your doctor if it's ok to take a vitamin supplement like melatonin to help you sleep, or ask if he has any other suggestions, instead of drinking so much beer. I wish you the best and keep striving for healthy living! :)

10-24-2013, 10:18 AM
Thank you for your reply! I don't always drink to sleep better(it obviously helps) but I drink because I just simply like to. I guess I will slowly decrease the amount I drink and use a sleeping aid. Any other tips/ideas/suggestions are welcome..

Chris C
10-24-2013, 08:26 PM
I've pretty much eliminated alcohol completely. I find that if I drink even in moderation my anxiety is much worse the next day. As far as sleeping goes I typically take a melatonin tablet before bed and that seems to help me fall asleep.

10-25-2013, 12:33 AM
As far as drinking in pretty much stick to wine, as I find it relaxes me. If I do drink in excess info feel worse the next day-- so maybe in moderation?
And my husband bugs me a lot about drinking while on medication as I take celexa and klonopin. I drink often but not a lot at a time. But I quit smoking 11 years ago and recreational drugs 6 years ago.. So me just having a couple of drinks at the end of the night I don't see an issue with.

10-25-2013, 12:38 AM
And for sleep, Benadryl and allergy meds often work for me. Sleep aids make me feel gross and groggy the next day. Cat nip, chamomile and passionflower are natural herbs that can help you relax or sleep. Lavender is a natural herb you can find in oil or incense that can help you relax and sleep too.
Be careful even what natural supplements you take while on certain medications. www.drugs.com is excellent for finding out what medications, foods and supplements can interfere with your meds and you can enter your medications to see if they have any interactions.