View Full Version : Feeling A LOT Better!

10-22-2013, 11:06 AM
Hello everyone :) Just thought I'd post an update with how I've been feeling. I've been doing exceptionally well since this past Sunday. I haven't had a panic attack and my anxiety thoughts have diminished a lot. Talking to my boyfriend and a good friend of mine who also suffers from anxiety also helped me. I had to do a lot of fighting with my brain but I do see a change. In the past month, I've had about 8 or more panic attacks and I don't know how many days of around-the-clock negative thinking. I've somehow turned my negative thinking to positive thinking and I also read the threads on dealing with anxiety attacks. Letting the panic ride out is an excellent way to get past them and I'm glad I took a look at that thread. Whenever you feel like you're about to have a panic attack, let it. I know it sucks but trust me, letting it do it's thing will help you feel better and let you take notes on how you were feeling. What we all have to remember is that anxiety is really in our mind - that there is nothing wrong with us, we are strong, beautiful people, and we are in no danger. I've been drawing a lot to also keep my mind busy and I've been doing some reading. I've also been doing a lot of praying and trust me, it has really made all the difference. Whenever I even feel like my mind is wandering, I just pray and tell God to replace my thoughts with good things and it works every time. I'm not trying to say this is what everyone should do because I know everyone has different views and different methods work differently on each person. These are just things that have worked for me that I do, however, hope helps someone who's been needing a shoulder to cry on. I know how sucky anxiety can be just from having it since I was 8 years old and I'm 20 years old now.

I'm also starting therapy today to go along with my coping skills so I'll be sure to post how it went later today. Until then, I hope everyone is having a beautiful day and remember, you have all the control and don't let your brain tell you otherwise. Everything does and will get better :)

10-22-2013, 12:17 PM
Great positive vibes going on, Gemmy...just an overall great message with good advice that inspires to have some hope :)

And super congrats to feeling better..different things work for different ppl and it sounds like you might've found what works for you.. I hope you stay panic free and good luck with the therapy!!

10-22-2013, 12:26 PM
Thats really good news and shows that there is hope for us all and anxiety really doesnt need to control our lives :)

10-22-2013, 08:32 PM
Hello everyone :) Just thought I'd post an update with how I've been feeling. I've been doing exceptionally well since this past Sunday. I haven't had a panic attack and my anxiety thoughts have diminished a lot. Talking to my boyfriend and a good friend of mine who also suffers from anxiety also helped me. I had to do a lot of fighting with my brain but I do see a change. In the past month, I've had about 8 or more panic attacks and I don't know how many days of around-the-clock negative thinking. I've somehow turned my negative thinking to positive thinking and I also read the threads on dealing with anxiety attacks. Letting the panic ride out is an excellent way to get past them and I'm glad I took a look at that thread. Whenever you feel like you're about to have a panic attack, let it. I know it sucks but trust me, letting it do it's thing will help you feel better and let you take notes on how you were feeling. What we all have to remember is that anxiety is really in our mind - that there is nothing wrong with us, we are strong, beautiful people, and we are in no danger. I've been drawing a lot to also keep my mind busy and I've been doing some reading. I've also been doing a lot of praying and trust me, it has really made all the difference. Whenever I even feel like my mind is wandering, I just pray and tell God to replace my thoughts with good things and it works every time. I'm not trying to say this is what everyone should do because I know everyone has different views and different methods work differently on each person. These are just things that have worked for me that I do, however, hope helps someone who's been needing a shoulder to cry on. I know how sucky anxiety can be just from having it since I was 8 years old and I'm 20 years old now. I'm also starting therapy today to go along with my coping skills so I'll be sure to post how it went later today. Until then, I hope everyone is having a beautiful day and remember, you have all the control and don't let your brain tell you otherwise. Everything does and will get better :)

Glad to hear you're doing better! Prayer really does help and I pray during rough moments. It's what faith is about - God has our back and will take care of us even though it's hard to see sometimes! :)