View Full Version : Health anxiety issue

10-22-2013, 07:28 AM
My huge problem I have with my health anxiety is seeing and hearing about anyone being hurt or ill.

Today I started to realise how bad this is actually getting, I'm on an art and design course and today we had to use sewing machines. One girl had an accident on one of the machines and put a needle through her finger. All the commotion and drama gave me a full blown panic attack making me feel like I was about to pass out. I had to remove myself and leave due to not being able to stay there.

I'm now home trying to calm down but of course my anxiety is high after that. It's upset me a lot actually because I was having a good week until this.

I feel awful for leaving because it's made me realise now that if anyone has a sudden illness around me there's really not much I can do because I get a panic attack.

Is anyone else experiencing this? Would be nice to know I'm not alone.

10-22-2013, 07:58 AM
I'm similar..I hear someone get's sick and I actually start to feel ill and panicky... definitely not alone...situations like that cause me to flee and not be around that person as my first instinct, but again, it's just another thing I need to overcome and face..because I want to end up being that strong person that people can rely on--not the other way around, lol..

Don't feel too awful, because there will be another situation (hence other times for practice..can't wait, right?) So hopefully just relax for now and try to feel better ! :)

10-22-2013, 08:50 AM
Hey Kelsey,

I don't have exactly the same kind of issue but I am extremely uncomfortable when conversations about cancer arise. With the situation you described I can see a number of potential triggers, maybe it wasn't the illness but the fuss that was made that caused the panic attack.

You have absolutely nothing to feel awful about so don't be hard on yourself, there are many people in your situation darling so you are certainly not alone :)

10-22-2013, 09:14 AM
I'm similar..I hear someone get's sick and I actually start to feel ill and panicky... definitely not alone...situations like that cause me to flee and not be around that person as my first instinct, but again, it's just another thing I need to overcome and face..because I want to end up being that strong person that people can rely on--not the other way around, lol.. Don't feel too awful, because there will be another situation (hence other times for practice..can't wait, right?) So hopefully just relax for now and try to feel better ! :)

Yeah I'm the same, I used to be a strong person before I was hit with anxiety. And now i can't really be there for someone that's ill because of it. I miss that, I feel like I should be there if someone needs me. But I hope to get back there eventually.
And yes that's true, I hope the next time I can control the anxiety and help whoever it is.
Thanks for your input though, there's something comforting about knowing you're not the only one thinking and feeling something. :)

10-22-2013, 09:22 AM
Hey Kelsey, I don't have exactly the same kind of issue but I am extremely uncomfortable when conversations about cancer arise. With the situation you described I can see a number of potential triggers, maybe it wasn't the illness but the fuss that was made that caused the panic attack. You have absolutely nothing to feel awful about so don't be hard on yourself, there are many people in your situation darling so you are certainly not alone :)

Oh yeah that's another huge one for me. I absolutely avoid anything to do with cancer. I even change the tv channel I'm watching if a cancer commercial comes on. The thought of that terrible disease scares the life out of me. I recently had a scare with it because I had a lumph node come up in my neck with no other causes, as a person with health anxiety I went crazy. Googled it and got all the life threatening stuff like lymphoma etc. that was a really low point for me. Luckily the doctors said it was nothing but it's still there to this day. I know now that Google is my worst enemy when I get sick.

Illness does trigger my panic attacks but as you said I think a lot of fuss over something is a trigger also.

But I'm glad I'm starting to work out my triggers because you can start to put things in place to stop them eventually. It's nice to know I'm not alone though. :)

10-22-2013, 10:41 AM
Hey girl! No you are def not alone!!! I get super uncomfortable talking to people about illness or cancer. I always begin to think about the symptoms and before long I am experiencing them. The mind is incredibly powerful.
Also I too cannot stand all that fuss!! I work in a restaurant and there's been a couple times someone has like passed out or whatever and in comes the ambulance. I freak, feel like I'm going to pass out. The mere sight of the flashing lights makes me weak and dizzy. It's awful. I don't think it has anything to do with the fact that we aren't caring, compassionate individuals... It's more the commotion. At least for me, I think omg if that was me and all these people hovering around, I'd be sooo embarrassed etc. so idk if that helps you at all but just know that I'm sure lots of us feel helpless in emergency situations. However if we were truly in an emergency sitch one on one we would be able to handle it. Fight or flight kicks in and you act on adrenaline. Don't feel bad at all... Every situation and experience gives you something to build and learn from. Think back to the situation and think ok at what point did I really get panicking, what happened, what could I have done, what will I do the next time something arises??? Keep your chin up 😃

10-22-2013, 06:23 PM
Hey girl! No you are def not alone!!! I get super uncomfortable talking to people about illness or cancer. I always begin to think about the symptoms and before long I am experiencing them. The mind is incredibly powerful. Also I too cannot stand all that fuss!! I work in a restaurant and there's been a couple times someone has like passed out or whatever and in comes the ambulance. I freak, feel like I'm going to pass out. The mere sight of the flashing lights makes me weak and dizzy. It's awful. I don't think it has anything to do with the fact that we aren't caring, compassionate individuals... It's more the commotion. At least for me, I think omg if that was me and all these people hovering around, I'd be sooo embarrassed etc. so idk if that helps you at all but just know that I'm sure lots of us feel helpless in emergency situations. However if we were truly in an emergency sitch one on one we would be able to handle it. Fight or flight kicks in and you act on adrenaline. Don't feel bad at all... Every situation and experience gives you something to build and learn from. Think back to the situation and think ok at what point did I really get panicking, what happened, what could I have done, what will I do the next time something arises??? Keep your chin up dde03

I have the same problem! As soon as I see someone that's ill or someone pass out etc I start to feel those symptoms also. The embarrassment is a huge thing for me also, I find it hard to be im public when my anxietys bad because I think what if I pass out and all these people see. But yes that's true I hope I will be able to respond properly in an emergency situation because it worried me a lot.

Trying to keep my chin up but I'm having a bad night now, keep feeling lightheaded and the shakes in my hands are back. It's such a shame because I've had a good couple of days.
But just have to deal with it for now because that's anxiety, up and down all the time.

Thanks for your reply though :)

10-24-2013, 11:31 AM
Hey kelsey

Dont feel bad over the situation. It happenned and hopefully next time you will be able to react differently and be over there with a plaster applying first aid ha :)

I dont know if were in the same age group but im 23 male uk suffering from health anx also.

If you would like to chat on watsapp or skype etc that would be cool. Ive chatted to a few people on here via the above and find it helps

Andy x

10-24-2013, 12:52 PM
Im like this right at the moment i read something about appendicitis and now ive convinced myself ive got it even thou ive been to the hopsital and had a ultrasound scan that came up clear :(

In the last 9 weeks ive diagnosed myself with so many illnesses its unreal.

10-26-2013, 03:07 AM
Hi Kelsey,
You must take anxiety seriously and must consult doctor as anxiety can lead to major health problems. Engage in activities you like most, workout regularly and have nutritive diet meal plan.

10-26-2013, 05:56 AM
I'm the same as soon as someone says they don't feel well I get this wave of panic come over me and freak out. And like u said u can't be there for someone which worries me if I ever have children and they are ill and I couldn't be there because I have a full on panic and anxiety attack and takes me ages to calm down from it. And then I'm on edge for days until they are better again.

10-26-2013, 08:08 AM
Health anxiety sucks. Really sucks.

You have taught your body that when you see something as you describe as a medical emergency, you panic.

A few things to keep in mind.

* If you have done this several times in the past, and havent fainted (which is so rare, I can't recall someone actually doing that), you aren't going to do it next time
* I used to get many panic attacks a day that it started to be the norm. No one ever could tell I was having one, regarless of how big or small it is.
* panic is just an adrenaline rush under no real threat. Some people get cold a lot, some people have miserable hay fever, yet others get an adrenaline dump when they shouldn't sometime.

Point is, anxiety and panic are relatively easy to get in control, once you truly believe they are harmless and understand them.

The hard part is coming to that belief.

The fact that you are looking for some clarity and guidance now, should reassure you that this will be a short term problem.

Now go sew something!

11-03-2013, 10:34 PM
I feel the same way! I can't even watch movies or tv shows about sickness or death without having anxiety