View Full Version : Lung cancer!!!

10-21-2013, 07:48 PM
So I'm nervous I have lung cancer.... My chest hurts and it feels sore and tight when I move a certain way it hurts and sometimes when I breath also my throat kinda hurts terrified I have cancer because I do smoke.... I'm trying to quit but I fear it's to late

10-21-2013, 08:43 PM
I'm sorry you're feeling like that...why do you think it's lung cancer? I think that is very unlikely unless you've been smoking for years and years. Chest tightness and soreness can be pretty much a sign of anything, honestly. I know when I worry a lot and get compulsive thoughts, my chest gets tight and I can't shake the feeling unless I'm distracted by something (like work or doing something else that requires my full focus). When you say that something hurts when you move a certain way, that sounds like a muscle issue to me over it being lung cancer. Muscles are so easy to hurt and even if you haven't done anything physically strenuous, anything as simple as sleeping in a weird position, sneezing, or being exposed to a cold/damp environment can make your chest hurt. My boss at work thought she was having a heart attack earlier this year. They said it was a mix between anxiety and muscle pain. Voila! I still commend you for trying to quit smoking and I think it's a good idea but I really don't believe you really have lung cancer. Hang in there!!!

10-22-2013, 10:33 AM
Hey there!! I'm 29, have GAD, and have smoked basically a pack a day for over 10 years. I had my last cig Fri and it's now Mon. It has been hard but I'm really hoping I can do it this time.
Anyways I too ALWAYS am on about my heart and lungs etc and would think then WTF are you smoking. I always thought I had lung cancer or mouth cancer or blood clots from bad circ from smoking. All in all I believe though that it is our anxiety. I also get sore chest, hurts to twist, or hard to breathe. I realized it hurts only if I twist a certain way that it must be a muscle. Body armoring ( being tense all the time) can do a number on you. I sincerely believe that you are just up right about things and worrying and therefore your muscles and stuff are really sore. As the above stated unless you're much older and smoked several several years then I also truly believe you are ok. Our bodies are remarkable and I think doing some light stretching and maybe breathing exercises may help. Also you should try to quit... C'mon we will do it together!!

10-22-2013, 01:17 PM
Thanks I'm 21 years old I smoked for a year from 17 to 18 I then quit and started again about a month ago... I have pains on my left side and I'm nervous it's cancer

10-22-2013, 02:30 PM
I really think you just need to try stretching and relaxing. Do you have insurance or health care? Perhaps go get it checked out by a dr if you are very worried. If you had lung cancer, which would be EXTREMELY rare, having smoked that short of time and being as young as you are, you would also have other symptoms besides pain. Such as a persistent cough, even coughing up blood, weight loss, it would be pain constant too I would think. I'm obv no doctor but I've thought the same things as you and smoked a lot longer and I am older, and I am ok.

10-22-2013, 04:07 PM
A couple months ago I had a ct and X-ray of chest it was notmal

10-22-2013, 07:18 PM
Those results should bring you some comfort then?

10-22-2013, 07:31 PM
No because I had that like 4 it 5 months ago and I stared smoking again last month

10-22-2013, 07:40 PM
mkgirl I was smoking for 30 years and my tests showed something so I got more tests and more. I did not have lung cancer, at that time. I advice you to quit smoking. It must be something that it nags u all the time. I am sure you are ok. It is anxiety talking.. :) good luck with quitting smoking :)

10-22-2013, 08:00 PM
That's why I decided to quit Friday bc I am always obsessing over my heart and lungs so it makes no sense to smoke. Give it a shot to quit and a couple of weeks. If you still have pain get it checked to reassure yourself, but Im nearly certain it's your anxiety. I've been through the exact same episodes as thoughts

10-23-2013, 09:53 PM
Why you obsessing? Is there a reason? I am obsessed to with those, but cancer runs in my family so does heart disease. What about you? Have you read something lately or seen some movies? Maybe it is the influence of something. Quitting smoking is a grand idea, and do it, do it now when you do not have 20 or 30 years of smoking behind you. Believe me it took me about ten years to finally kick that nasty habit. Do it now , please :)

10-24-2013, 05:54 AM
A couple of years ago I went through a stage of convincing myself that I had cancer everytime I had a problem whether it was a headache to a stomach ache to moles. It got so bad that I was seeing the doctor a few times a week to get checked out (I don't know how she coped with me!!) and everytime I was okay. I'm not a doctor and I think the likelihood that it is cancer is low but maybe it's a good idea to talk to your doctor about your worries about cancer, it really helped me when I did.

10-24-2013, 08:33 AM
Steph are you on any anti anxiety medication? I went through this stage too. Every time some of my tests did not come ok and every time I had pain. For some time I am on meds and magically I feel like living again. I am not kidding. I am almost 60 , and I know what i am talking about. There is nothing in depression, I do not know. I went through hell in my life. Almost everything went worse because of my GAD.

10-24-2013, 08:37 AM
Wow it sounds like you've gone through a really tough time. No, I'm not on any anti anxiety medication at all, I'm 25 and I've always felt like I'd just be bothering my doctor but I think maybe it would be a good idea to go and speak to my doctor about some medication. Thank you :)

10-24-2013, 07:34 PM
What about the meditation and exercise, in young age it makes such a different. I have the feeling you could manage without the meds. Maybe some conversation with a good therapist?

10-25-2013, 06:15 AM
A good therapist could be the better idea, there are reasons why I am the way that I am and I know them I suppose talking to someone who can help could make all the difference. Thank you :)