View Full Version : New here...need advice on my symtoms..mostly dizziness..

12-28-2007, 10:15 PM
I've had anxiety most of my life and the physical symptoms mostly manifested itself as stomach aches and feelings of nausea.

Well it seems after all these years I have traded symptoms of nausea to a bizarre state of dizziness!

It's weird I feel completely normal as I drive to work, but once I get to my window (I'm a cashier) I get this intense feeling of dizziness. It kind of feels like...you know those dreams you get right after you fall asleep that you're falling backwards and you jolt awake? It's kinda like that.

Sometimes it goes away for a while and then it hits me out of the blue and it feels like I'm gonna have a panic attack or something.

This first started like 7 months ago...and it lasted for a few weeks and then completely went a way for like 6 months. Now about a month ago, I was standing at my station at work and I was paying a customer, and suddenly it felt like I was only 4 feet tall and the counter was above my head! I felt a sudden vertigo sensation and actually had to catch my breath while I was counting out money. Since that moment it has never really went away.

I get this feeling almost only at work...one time a few weeks ago I was visiting my mother and I felt it and I had to sit down.

I get a break at work every few hours and it completely goes away..but as I go back to my workstation...it totally comes back.

I basically just want to know if any ever went through any kind of symptoms like this and what I could do about it.

The only time in my life I've ever been anxiety free was the four years I was on anti-depressants..it all came back once I went off them (no health insurance at the time). Do you think antidepressants would help me out here?

Any kind of reply would be much appreciated!

12-30-2007, 04:01 PM

12-30-2007, 07:14 PM
I get this at work, I'll be going about my business and suddenly everything will "shift" and I have to catch myself. I have put it down to holding myself too tense and not breathing properly as this almost always happens when i'm hunched over or holding myself rigid (i only notice this after the event of course). I certainly wouldn't panic about it, i've had it happen for years (usually through periods of stress and anxiety) and i just accept it as one of those things. Also I note that it happens most at work and when i'm on lunch or at weekends etc its rare. Its probably also now an association thing so you'll tend to find that it will happen more at work because that's when you think its most likely to happen.

I hope this helps


12-31-2007, 05:10 AM
This is the main problem I have been battling for the past 2 1/2 weeks or so. I have been having a hard time explaining the feeling though. It is sort of a dizzy feeling, but not really and is more of a heavy headed than light headed feeling. I feel like I have sinus congestion around the bridge of my nose and eyes, but do not feel congested, just pressure. I have the same pressure at the very top of my neck/bottom of my skull too. If I am sitting on the couch or in bed I feel fine, but walking around, I have the odd sensation that I am going to lose my balance and fall over. I have been worrying abuot it so much the past couple days that I have started convincing myself I have a brain tumor or something although I keep trying to tell myself it is just the anxiety and that I am probably just tensing up my muscles without even knowing it. This really sucks though. I am trying to do my breating and relax, but I keep letting those "WHAT IF" thoughts in to get the better of me.

3 weeks ago I felt completely fine, and now I forget how that feels!

I feel your pain because I dont really have an option but to goto work, so I have to get myself through it during the day until I can get home and just relax.


12-31-2007, 06:35 AM
That sounds a lot like feeling detached from reality, and then you suddenly jolt back to reality and it can be quite a nasty feeling. I have that, but I wouldn't describe it as dizziness..more brain haze followed by periods of intense clarity. Not that it really matters. It's quite common I think, but certainly one of the most undesirable symptoms of anxiety.