View Full Version : Does anyone anxiety bother them while workiing out?

j brown
10-21-2013, 06:01 PM
Mine was bothering me while at the gym today ... When I was doing cardio I was coo but when I started lifting my mind stArted wondering... My anxiety been bad these few days I believe bc I been sick but I don't know

10-21-2013, 06:27 PM
this happened to me today. I was doing cardio and I was fine because I was focusing on my breathing and watching some news on this 'mysterious Greek girl'. It was when I started lifting weights when my mind started wandering back to my problems that are causing my anxiety. I tried to work through it but I noticed that i wasn't even putting half my effort into my work out.

I had to leave the gym because my anxiety was getting bad.

j brown
10-21-2013, 06:31 PM
I'm glad someone can relate to this bc I thought it was just me... I felt like If I kept lifting I was going to pass out or I wouldn't be able to breath it wasn't cool... It's like sometimes my mind focuses on the gym other times it don't especially when lifting I was able to do cardio and abs fine

10-21-2013, 06:39 PM
its really frustrating. especially when working out is suppose to help with our anxieties.