View Full Version : Cant shake this feeling!

10-21-2013, 12:29 PM
In the last 2 days ive been in hospital with bad side/stomach pain doctors wasnt sure wat it was bt i was freaking out that it could be appendicitis well had a scan this mornin and it all come back clear!

Bt i'm styl scared that its appendicitis :(

My white blood count came back slightly elevated on sat bt on sunday had come down to near enough normal range apart from being .4 ova but i do have a cold and think might be developin a chest infection so these could have elevated my blood count.

I was diagnosed with ibs a couple of weeks ago could this be whats causing the pain?

I'm just really scared of gettin appendicitis

10-21-2013, 12:47 PM
IBS can cause pain all over your entire stomach, so definitely.

I wouldn't be worried about the white blood cell count because you do have a cold and it would be extremely abnormal if it wasn't at all elevated.

10-21-2013, 02:00 PM
Dweeb I can totally relate I have also been experiencing the same symptom over the last few weeks. It's on my right side way at the lower part of my stomach and it comes like a sharp twisting pain only in that area. I too thought maybe it's my appendix or maybe an atopic pregnancy? Though I too also suffer with IBS and indigestion. So even though I don't like it I'm not gonna run to the hospital just yet unless I have a fever or if the pain is so severe that I can't bare it.

Good luck and take care xxx

10-21-2013, 02:19 PM
Yeah think i'm just going to ignore it now ive had a scan and that came up clear so unless the pain gets real bad i'm goin to try not to worry :)

Thank you for replyin xx

10-21-2013, 02:26 PM
No worries take care and all the best :)

10-21-2013, 02:54 PM
The pain seems to go now an again so dnt think it is anything serious.

Think its all cuz ma sis got diagnosed with an ovarian cyst a couple of weeks ago i'm focusin on that side of ma body.

10-21-2013, 02:59 PM
Hmm that is interesting because I suffer from POS I can't do anything about it right now because I'm in the USA though as soon as I get home I'll get it checked out.

So you had a scan and they gave you the all clear? Did they scan around your Overies?

10-21-2013, 03:07 PM
Yeah they scanned all of ma abdomen and pelvic area and was all clear.

My sister got diagnosed with her cyst cuz she had low right abdominal pain and thought she had appendicitis scanned er and found a cyst on her right ovary