View Full Version : Am i suffering from anxiety?

10-21-2013, 07:16 AM
Hi All,

So ive felt quite rough for a few months now. Mainly just feeling lightheaded and kind of spacy most of the day with occasional spells of feeling weak, difficulty concentrating, a little short of breath, tightness in chest etc. Been to doctors several times, had blood and urine tests done and all clean. He seems to think that it is anxiety and prescribed me an antidepressant (which after 2 weeks doesnt seem to have had much effect).

Do these symptoms sound common of anxiety? I dont think i have ever suffered from it before (certainly not to a noticeable degree like lately) but it just freaks me out a bit feeling like this all the time (which if it is anxiety will probably just be feeding into it). My symptoms although irritating are not particuarly invasive.. Although i feel weak sometimes and a little short of breath, im not. I do weightlifting reguarly as well as play sports and have noticed no difference in my strength/ lung capacity etc... in fact i usually feel a bit better after exercise. Its more the constant worrying about them that is doing my head in.. if i knew it was the flu for example id just get on with it. (if that makes sense). I find as well if i get distracted by something my symtoms tend to disappear until i think about them again... again is this common?

Guess im just looking for reassurance really.... with anxiety i always thought i would be feeling well.. anxious, rather than physically ill and stressed about my symptoms.

Anyone else feel like this? or could help shed a little light on whats up with me?

10-21-2013, 07:52 AM
I don't want to feed you with fresh fears. But some of what you describe sounds like symptoms of anxiety. Spacey feeling and weak. Could be looking at dearealisation. Hard thing to explain. But you kind of feel out of it and distant from things. Spaced. Shortness of breath can happen at times. We may find it hard to catch our breath. Not all anxiety based things makes you actually feel anxious. I have known people with anxiety issues that have never had a full blown anxiety attack. They may get certain symptoms. Nothing saying it is anxiety either. Depression is another something to look at. The symptoms of both do cross paths at times. With depression you don't actually have to feel sad all the time. Think some people think you do. Always have to feel down in the dumps. But your doctor must have thought there was something there. To place you on an SSRi. Maybe you are simply just stressed out. Not sure if you have a lot going on in your life. Be it changes to the normal things you do or whatever. But if you catch it early and have it treated it may simply clear up as fast as it came on.

j brown
10-21-2013, 08:36 AM
I had the same symptoms at first that came out of no where I never had anxiety before but when I first got it I had a pain in my chest like indigestion and I could feel the tightness ... My heart would thump real hard at times i noticed when I stopped worrying about that stuff because tre doctor already ran a EKG and blood test they started to go away, but from time to Time get a lot of gas in my stomach. I workout too but sometimes the random thoughts won't leAve

10-21-2013, 12:41 PM
Hi All, So ive felt quite rough for a few months now. Mainly just feeling lightheaded and kind of spacy most of the day with occasional spells of feeling weak, difficulty concentrating, a little short of breath, tightness in chest etc. Been to doctors several times, had blood and urine tests done and all clean. He seems to think that it is anxiety and prescribed me an antidepressant (which after 2 weeks doesnt seem to have had much effect). Do these symptoms sound common of anxiety? I dont think i have ever suffered from it before (certainly not to a noticeable degree like lately) but it just freaks me out a bit feeling like this all the time (which if it is anxiety will probably just be feeding into it). My symptoms although irritating are not particuarly invasive.. Although i feel weak sometimes and a little short of breath, im not. I do weightlifting reguarly as well as play sports and have noticed no difference in my strength/ lung capacity etc... in fact i usually feel a bit better after exercise. Its more the constant worrying about them that is doing my head in.. if i knew it was the flu for example id just get on with it. (if that makes sense). I find as well if i get distracted by something my symtoms tend to disappear until i think about them again... again is this common? Guess im just looking for reassurance really.... with anxiety i always thought i would be feeling well.. anxious, rather than physically ill and stressed about my symptoms. Anyone else feel like this? or could help shed a little light on whats up with me? suffered with anxiety 2.5 years and I am dealing with every symptom you have described at this very moment. Yes it's very frustrating what our minds do to us. Hang in there!!!

10-22-2013, 07:03 AM
suffered with anxiety 2.5 years and I am dealing with every symptom you have described at this very moment. Yes it's very frustrating what our minds do to us. Hang in there!!!

Sounds a little harsh but I'm glad other people also get this.. Had me really worried.. I think half the problem is just realising that it's just anxiety and not worrying about the symptoms

10-24-2013, 11:35 AM
Anxiety is horrible and the symptoms suck however it is not unbeatable.

We will get through this