View Full Version : Is it safe?

10-21-2013, 05:51 AM
is it safe to have a tooth pulled out whilst you have a cold?? I got this cold yesterday morning and at the dentist at 2 :(

10-21-2013, 07:21 AM
Unless you really feel nasty I bet it's fine. The dentist will/should determine that anyway. Alankay

10-21-2013, 07:30 AM
thanks alankay I had to cancel unfortunately as I don't think I'd be able to sit thru 45 mins with my mouth open for a tooth out and X-rays without wanting to swallow cos my throats sore!! :( only thing I was on antibiotics for the last five days as I have an absess and they'll need to do a root canal (the absess is shrunk a lot) my course of antibiotics finishes tonight.. my new appt isn't till 4th nov now so will my teeth be ok til then?? I did say I'm gonna try ring before hand to get in Incase people cancel :)