View Full Version : How to deal with anixety?

10-21-2013, 02:40 AM
Can anyone here to tell me what should i do to get rid of anixety and stress?

10-21-2013, 04:39 AM
You can learn all about it to begin with. Fact is nobody has ever died from a panic attack. I know they feel horrible. But odd as it may seem it is just the body sending signals of danger to the brain. Danger that doesn't really exist. But to the person with anxiety we have triggers. Things we might see as dangerous to us. So the signals are sent and the mind reacts in a way to actually protect us from that danger. I always like to break it down. Show how things are related. Linked together. We have a mood. It may be a bad mood. From that mood we may get a thought. We react to that thought. How we react brings about our symptoms. So if could learn to change the thought or the reaction the rest would fall into place for us. I know it all sounds far too easy. It does take a bit of work. Work with a good therapist. One who can direct you in the right way. Show you how to do certain things. May take a week, it may take a month. It is a slow going process. During which time learning how to breathe in the correct way is a very important step. People panic, they tend to gasp for air. This only makes things worse. Have to learn to stop yourself. Take a step backwards. Breathe in through the nose, hold it, out through the mouth. You tube has a lot of good videos that can teach you how to breathe in the correct way. They are all worth watching. Can only gain from them. Then we can also use some form of distraction. I am out I always have my MP3 player with me. Takes my mind off of things. I also like to bring a camera out with me. Take a few pictures. Just to distract my mind. Find that one thing that works well for you. To stop you thinking inwardly. Give it time. It can be a lot of hard work on your part. But it is well worth the effort. Keep us posted on how you are getting on.