View Full Version : Why does anxiety get worse at night

j brown
10-21-2013, 12:21 AM
I work 12 hour days and soon as I get home I seem to get anxious... Shouldn't I be tired from work? Does anxiety get worse when you are relaxed ?

10-21-2013, 02:08 AM
I work 12 hour days and soon as I get home I seem to get anxious... Shouldn't I be tired from work? Does anxiety get worse when you are relaxed ?

I am always fine when I'm busy but the minutes before you fall asleep you just can't keep yourself busy and so I agree. I recently started mindfullness meditation when I get into bed really helps

10-21-2013, 03:43 AM
Hi J Brown,
To deal with anxiety, share your problems with your family and friends and accept the things you cannot change. Do not take naps in day timing and avoid over sleeping. Avoid stimulants like alcohol, smoking and caffeine and do not eat shortly before going to bed.

10-21-2013, 06:00 AM
My anxiety is highest at night too. I think it's because during the day you're too busy to think about it--- at night when things calm down you can dwell on it.

j brown
10-21-2013, 08:28 AM
I believe that is true It is getting better for me a night as long as I don't eat sweets or eat way too much kind of wired

10-21-2013, 05:13 PM
My anxiety is highest at night too. I think it's because during the day you're too busy to think about it--- at night when things calm down you can dwell on it.

That's EXACTLY right!

After I got laid off I could only sit around, watch TV, play video games, all the while my anxiety tried to bother me. After I got a job I don't experience often during work. Sometimes I'll decide to do stuff after work to keep my mind busy.

10-21-2013, 08:20 PM
I find that my anxiety is worse in the morning when I wake up. It's moderate to light during the day while I'm at work and better in the evening, but then I do exercise at my local gym after work, which helps a lot.

10-21-2013, 08:31 PM
My anxiety gets out of hand in the evenings--which is why I come on here then :) But that's when I start thinking about stuff, things I did and didn't accomplish during my day and the worries that I still have. Like ldts3012 said, working out at night helps a lot! Sometimes I'll spend several hours at the gym so that by the time I get home I'm so exhausted that I'll switch on Family Guy and pass out watching it. I find that falling asleep with TV or a movie on helps too. Then you don't really think about stuff as you fall asleep and you're rather watching something lighthearted or funny or whatever.