View Full Version : I never had anxiety before

j brown
10-20-2013, 11:56 PM
I don't know if I really have anxiety because I never been tested for it before.. But I have the tingling at times in my feet and hands and the racing of thoughts in my mind and my sometimes negative thoughts... I don't know how I developed it, It might have came from about 2 months ago exactly when I ended up drinking to much at a friends weeding and had to go to the hospital because of that because my heart was racing and felt like it was going to jump out my chest, I had to basically get a IV bc I was too dehydrated. I also quit caffeine because it was giving me palpitations and racing of the heart bout 4 months ago . I got over that incident but when the incident at the weeding came up, and I had to go to the hospital my anxiety seemed to sky rocket since then.. Maybe bc it was a tragic or terrifying point In my life I don't know.. But I'm still trying to adjust to this.. I'm a very active person I run a lot and workout, that seems to help but at times I get perinod about that, I got checked by the doctor for heart problems diabetes, and high blood pressure and everything fine, except my heart pauses for a beat forgot the name of it lol... What is different activities to do to get tyke mind off of this

10-21-2013, 03:48 AM
Hi J Brown,
To cure anxiety engage in regular physical activities and practice yoga or start mild exercises or regular basis. Share your problems with your close friends or family and remember to laugh. Avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeine and try not to worry. Accept the things you cannot change and have proper sleep daily.

j brown
10-21-2013, 05:23 AM
Thank you that's good advice... This stuff is scary for me hope it really works

10-21-2013, 05:47 AM
Talk to your doctor about maybe seeing a psychiatrist if you want a diagnosis. We can't diagnose ourselves. It sounds like anxiety to me. My anxiety was triggered from extreme trauma and resulted in PTSD, anxiety, panic and depression. I used to have psychotic episodes from the PTSD often self harming myself. I don't have PTSD flashbacks much or depression much but still have anxiety and panic attacks. I have GAD that comes and goes. I like when it goes as I'm naturally a very outgoing person.
Once you know a diagnosis it is easier to find treatment whether its medication or counseling or other treatments or a combination.
But keep in mind there I Nothing wrong or bs having mental health issues--/ you would be surprised how many people have them. Getting help, seeking treatment and finding supports are a good step to managing or overcoming these issues.
Yeah and I don't drink coffee really or caffeine because it seems to mostly agitate my anxiety. Green tea has natural caffeine but its low so I have that in the morning. Also stay away from energy drinks if caffeine makes your anxiety worse. Can also agitate it.
I hope this helps. And yes some people have anxiety as kids... To adults.... Some have it because it was triggered by a negative or traumatic Experience.

10-21-2013, 05:53 AM
And to reply to the previous post/ quit smoking over a decade ago. Even marihuana can make my anxiety worse oddly so don't smoke it either. I avoid caffeine mostly.
But I like my wine at night. My hubby thinks its bad I have a couple of drinks because I take meds for my anxiety. But it calms me--/ and I don't get drunk. Some would debate this, but love my wine. BUT I would advise that if you have depression or a mood disorder to avoid alcohol. My depression went away years ago. I've beaten depression and most of my PTSD flashbacks... Now to beat anxiety and panic.