View Full Version : Hi, new here and would appreciate some help :)

10-20-2013, 07:35 PM
Hey, my name is George.

I'm not sure where to start... but these past 2 years have been rough on me, 2 years ago on the day my mom and 2 brothers were leaving my dad and going to texas with my mom's new boyfriend, I experienced my first full on panic attack, it literally felt like I was going to die, I got so nauseated, my heart was pounding, my face, legs, feet, arms and hands were all numb and felt like all the blood or something was rushing to other parts of my body, and I kept gagging for over an hour and it was unpleasent...I had to calm myself down, it took a few hours to get over the attack.

Ever since that dreaded day I am very afraid of experiencing another attack just like that one, ever since that 2 year mark I've had well over 20+ attacks, a few being Really bad like the first one I mentioned above. I visited the Doctor's office and was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and depression and I was prescribed Zoloft and Buspirone. I currently weigh 88lbs (or around that) from my last visit to the doctor's office (I am 22 years old) and i'm around 5'2".

School was rough on me, and I've always felt nauseated for the most part throughout my entire life, but it's gotten worse the older I age (9th 10th 11th 12th) grades, I barely ate any food all of my life and would skip meals frequently.

I'm now trying to eat more often, and at least 3 meals a day, and trying to go to bed earlier (I always used to go to bed around 6-9 am in the morning)

Lately i've been shooting to go to bed around 1-230am ish. (but even that's pretty late)

I need help because I don't know what to do.... my last major attack was at walmarts, I was shopping for clothes and all of the sudden an attack came on, and I felt desperate to leave and I got SO Nauseated (Prior to going to walmarts I ate 1 honey bun, weird thing is I remember getting another attack from eating a honey bun in the past too, but not sure why)

I guess i'm afraid of throwing up, and when I get so nauseated i'm just afraid to leave my home period, it scares the crap out of me. I haven't been taking my zoloft, only my buspirone because people say (oh it's bad, it'll make you hallucinate, hear voices, etc.) so I haven't taken it yet.

Buspirone relieves my symptoms somewhat but it doesn't last long, maybe a few hours at most.

Any suggestions on what I should do? has anyone ever had this type of anxiety? It's really crippling to me I REALLY want to go to college so bad next year, but this anxiety or whatever it is screws me up big time and I'm afraid to go anywhere now.... :/

10-20-2013, 09:31 PM
Hi there. I'm new to this forum too. I have generalized anxiety disorder too. I know the anxiety can be very overwhelming and crippling. First and foremost I urge you to take both your medications - yes, including the Zoloft - according to your doctors directions. I have taken Zoloft for many years and it has helped me a lot. It will take a couple of weeks to go into effect in your body so be patient. Just like you, when I have anxiety, I lose my appetite. But it is important to try to eat just a little something healthy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even if it's just a few bites and u have to force it just try to eat. Also being aware of my breathing and trying to take long deep breaths when I start to feel bad helps me a lot. Hang in there. You are stronger than you think you are!

10-21-2013, 06:10 AM
Hi George, and welcome here !

If you're afraid of throwing up, is it the fear of throwing up in public and becoming embarrassed or the feeling of throwing up itself is terrifying? Plus, do you actually throw up often, like when you are at home or when you do feel nauseated..sorry for all those questions, but the point is that it's important to really understand what the fear is. Once we understand, we can start to fight back. Lot's of things could actually be causing you to feel nauseated; such as not eating so much, medication, being nervous, and the big one, anxiety.

Your weight sounds dangerously low, so it might help to try and get that up. Pure sugar (like a honey bun) never does me good for breakfast. Eating healthier and proper bed times sounds like a good place to start.. hopefully if you tackle this now, you will get to go to college next year... :)

10-21-2013, 06:37 AM
Hi George, and welcome. I too, suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder....for quite a few years now. I started out only on Buspirone as well, but added in Zoloft because I needed the extra help. Since I am extra sensitive to meds, I opted to take a super small dose of zoloft...so I got it in liquid form. Let me tell you, it helped me tremendously. It allowed me to enjoy myself again, to be able to live my life without excessive worry. I got to a point where I felt like I didn't need it anymore...so I stopped taking it and decreased the buspar to just once a day. Unfortunately this anxiety disorder thing can be a bit of a roller coaster and I've hit another rough patch. I've increased my buspar back up to three times a day and I'm making an appointment with my doctor to consider restarting my Zoloft. Don't be scared of the help that's out there, even if it is meds. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right combo, but once you do, along with some CB therapy .......you will wonder why you even gave it a second thought to begin with. Oh btw, I'm like you....I can't eat when I'm anxious. Like I have to force myself to even get down a few bites.

10-21-2013, 10:00 AM
Hi there. I'm new to this forum too. I have generalized anxiety disorder too. I know the anxiety can be very overwhelming and crippling. First and foremost I urge you to take both your medications - yes, including the Zoloft - according to your doctors directions. I have taken Zoloft for many years and it has helped me a lot. It will take a couple of weeks to go into effect in your body so be patient. Just like you, when I have anxiety, I lose my appetite. But it is important to try to eat just a little something healthy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even if it's just a few bites and u have to force it just try to eat. Also being aware of my breathing and trying to take long deep breaths when I start to feel bad helps me a lot. Hang in there. You are stronger than you think you are!

Thanks for the kind words and advice, yeah i'm going to start taking my zoloft starting today, I'm hopeful it'll help me a lot, -forcing myself to eat at this moment too- I hate going anywhere in public anymore because i'm afraid of being trapped there and then my body starts numbing up and i get nauseated (but the buspirone helps that somewhat) but im hopeful :)

Hi George, and welcome here !

If you're afraid of throwing up, is it the fear of throwing up in public and becoming embarrassed or the feeling of throwing up itself is terrifying? Plus, do you actually throw up often, like when you are at home or when you do feel nauseated..sorry for all those questions, but the point is that it's important to really understand what the fear is. Once we understand, we can start to fight back. Lot's of things could actually be causing you to feel nauseated; such as not eating so much, medication, being nervous, and the big one, anxiety.

Your weight sounds dangerously low, so it might help to try and get that up. Pure sugar (like a honey bun) never does me good for breakfast. Eating healthier and proper bed times sounds like a good place to start.. hopefully if you tackle this now, you will get to go to college next year... :)

It's the fear of throwing up itself that is terrifying to me, ever since my first attack I gagged for over an hour and that scared the crap out of me and i'm afraid of that happening again, so I tend to avoid public places because I feel a little bit calmer at home. It actually started because I thought I had cough drops (they calm me down) and I ended up not having them and shortly after I had my first ever attack (prior to my first attack I'm a very nervous person and never knew I had anxiety, it caused me nausea on and off)

Yes, I really need to go to college next year, it's not that I just want to, I really need to, to get my plans and dreams going, but this anxiety is so overwhelming.

Hi George, and welcome. I too, suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder....for quite a few years now. I started out only on Buspirone as well, but added in Zoloft because I needed the extra help. Since I am extra sensitive to meds, I opted to take a super small dose of zoloft...so I got it in liquid form. Let me tell you, it helped me tremendously. It allowed me to enjoy myself again, to be able to live my life without excessive worry. I got to a point where I felt like I didn't need it anymore...so I stopped taking it and decreased the buspar to just once a day. Unfortunately this anxiety disorder thing can be a bit of a roller coaster and I've hit another rough patch. I've increased my buspar back up to three times a day and I'm making an appointment with my doctor to consider restarting my Zoloft. Don't be scared of the help that's out there, even if it is meds. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right combo, but once you do, along with some CB therapy .......you will wonder why you even gave it a second thought to begin with. Oh btw, I'm like you....I can't eat when I'm anxious. Like I have to force myself to even get down a few bites.

This gives me a lot of hope, which is what i'm needing big time here >.< I'll start taking my Zoloft today and see how it helps over time, I want to live a normal life already because my situation right now sucks, but thanks to your words and everyone elses here i'm really hopeful now and I appreciate it a lot :)

10-21-2013, 10:32 AM
Hey, one additional thing I wanted to share with you. ...the zoloft in the beginning can make your anxiety kick up just a little more, so you may want to ask your doc for a few benzos to get you through the next week or so. After that, it is smooth sailing. Keep us posted and let us know!!!!!!!

10-22-2013, 11:54 AM
Alright, yeah this is hectic, i had an anxiety attack yesterday while going to a cellphone store with my dad, i had to leave and stay in the car to calm down :/