View Full Version : i'm not sure that i believe my panic attacks wont kill me

10-20-2013, 02:27 PM
thats what everyone always says "no matter how bad it feels, just remember you can't die from a panic attack", and i kind of want to call bullshit on that. my health isnt stellar anyways and i dont take very good care of myself and my panic attacks can be sooo intense, so physical. if they cause heart flutters and dizzyness ect. why couldnt one send me into a heart attack? they have to put so much stress on the heart

10-20-2013, 03:57 PM
No, a panic attack alone won't kill you. You do need to take care of your blood pressure and cholesterol though.....those are the things that can cause a problem.

Chris C
10-20-2013, 09:38 PM
Even after all these years of panic attacks I still think "this could be the one where I die". The truth is though that I've never heard or read of an instance where someone died of a panic attack. It's totally counterproductive to the fight or flight response which is intended to keep you alive and is what a panic attack actually is.

10-20-2013, 09:51 PM
No one has ever died from a panic attack ever. I challenge you to find at least one person. You won't and you're not going to be the first.