View Full Version : First football match back

10-20-2013, 05:33 AM
So av just played my first game of football for 3-4 month and whilst warming up I had a few palps they scarred me abit but I just got on with it. After playing for a wile I noticed my chest felt really tight like I had a chest infection or something, after the game I was talking to the lads and my heart started fluttering and I had to take deep breaths for it to stop. It scared me because everytime I just relaxed my heart would begin to flutter and I would get a cough it really panicked me but I kept calm and just took deap breaths in and out and it started to go. Anyone know what's up ? Is it just high levels of stress ?

10-20-2013, 05:55 AM
Firstly well done getting back to footy. If you've been out 3-4 months it's going to be tiring for you which probably started the heart palps. Then most likely your anxiety has taken over you sound like you did a great job managing your attack. It was most likely the stress of getting back to footy and the exertion of it. My 9 year old son is a goal keeper and I get heart palps and panic watching especially today as they got beat 9-1 lol. But he saved two pens so could of been worse. It will get easier :-)

10-20-2013, 06:35 AM
Congratulations on getting back in the game! Here's what I'm guessing: a) before the game you were nervous so you had a few palps b) during the game your chest felt tight because you were exerting yourself, but you survived, sounds like a healthy good day's play. Not sure why you would feel fluttering when talking to your friends, perhaps it was a bit of social anxiety or perhaps you were feeling a little nervous about telling them how you were feeling. Anyway, sounds to me like pretty normal levels of stress combined with a good workout.

10-20-2013, 08:07 AM
That's how I am with my son's martial arts competitions....my stress level is so high, its almost unbearable.

10-20-2013, 11:41 AM
Yeh it just worries me because I think what if it's a heart attack ! It wasn't when I was talking to them I was sort of when the manager was giving out team talk at the end of the match I couldn't concentrate it felt like my heart was struggling to cope with the exercise I had just done

10-20-2013, 11:59 AM
Yeh it just worries me because I think what if it's a heart attack ! It wasn't when I was talking to them I was sort of when the manager was giving out team talk at the end of the match I couldn't concentrate it felt like my heart was struggling to cope with the exercise I had just done

That's typical anxiety and I feel chest pain is one of the worst things ever, it's so frightening. You did the right thing breathing through it. You just need to tell yourself it's all anxiety and it won't hurt you. I hope your next match is easier and you can enjoy it more :-)

10-20-2013, 11:59 AM
What u might find is when u do exercise and running and then u stop ur hearts still pumping blood fast as tho u were still running. Iv taken up skipping to try keep fit and I find my hearts still pumping for a few mins after iv stopped and then eventually it slows back down. Hope this helps.

10-21-2013, 07:21 AM
Hi !! How did you manage to overcome that heart skips feeling during exercise ??? I freak you when i feel it , so i stopped exercise but also while resting i get them ( PVC )
i have done stress test , holter , heart mri , coronary angio CT and echocardiography! All all normal ....
But i cant return to my life After i felt for the first time in 2011 a heart skip while i was watching tv
Today the normal heart rate raising while for example climbing stairs gives me anxiety !!
Any help from you guys ??

Thank you