View Full Version : Hypochondria or serious?

10-20-2013, 12:18 AM
This seems never ending. In high school my anxiety was started by an extra heartbeat, which is harmless, but an ekg showed something(which ended up being nothing major). However, after that I spiraled out of control. While waiting for results is when I started having panic attacks and after I was cleared the symptoms stopped for a little...until the next thing popped up. Now, 3 years later, I'm back. My gum lines receded slightly, which I attributed to dipping(only dipped for 3 months, stopped before i even got addicted), I made an appointment with the dentist which I have not had yet. However, the slight gum recession has driven me insane. Yesterday and all last night I convinced myself I had oral cancer, and today I convinced myself I have mercury poisoning. However there is a case for mercury poisoning. I have some rather large amalgam fillings but when I saw my gums had receded I did oil pulling in hopes to strengthen them, which I did not know would be dangerous with metal fillings and stopped after 3 days. So, when my tongue started feeling swollen yesterday and my muscles started to ache and I had different vision (hard to explain) I Web MD'd it(always a mistake) and looked further into mercury poisoning, and that's when the panic attacks started, even almost went to the ER tonight even though my symptoms are not too bad and some of them aren't directly attributed to mercury poisoning. I just feel it isn't a coincidence that it happened so soon after oil pulling. Maybe it could be healing crisis? Or maybe it's all in my head.

Sorry for the novel I'm just not in a good way at the moment

10-20-2013, 12:21 AM
also, i looked on the huge list of anxiety symptoms and every one i have had are on there, but it still does not make me feel too much better (twitching, muscle cramps, swollen tongue, light headedness, dry mouth)

10-20-2013, 04:43 AM
Looks like you have an over active imagination. Your mind is simple feeding you the worst things possible. That you have something major wrong with you. When really you don't know that at all. Everything you describe by way of how you are feeling can put down to anxiety. But the mind likes to jump ahead of itself and play doctor at times. Come up with its own answers. Those answers are never going to be good answers. Because you are worried already that it may be something bad. Just wait till you see the dentist and let him have a good look. But until then, try and find something to do. Some form of distraction. To take your mind off of thinking inwardly. Keep yourself busy. So the mind won't have time to play tricks on you. Feed you with these ideas of what it could be. You can spend a week worrying over nothing. Something I am sure many people have done before. Then find out there is nothing wrong with you at all. Stay active. Find things to do. Keep the mind busy.

10-20-2013, 10:44 AM
I really don't believe you have oral cancer from just dipping for 3 months. How is your mouth care generally? Gingivitis can cause sensitive gums and can also cause the gums to recede a bit from the teeth. Just go to your dentist. ..they will fix you right up....and you will be able to relax.

Olive Yew
10-20-2013, 11:04 AM
Your mind can actually give you fake symptoms because it's that powerful. That's what a hysterical pregnancy is. It's also the same concept as the sugar pill placebo. People can actually convince themselves they're feeling better just by taking a sugar pill that their dr told them was some "magic healing" pill. One of my best friends convinced himself he had Lou Gehrig's disease when he was in his mid to late 20's and he developed every symptom of lou gehrig's disease... But he didnt ACTUALLY have it. The dr put him on prozac and he's fine now.

Try and bounce any thoughts that can try and convince you that you're sick. Tell yourself it's your anxiety talking and it's giving you BS. You'll be alright. Just hang in there