View Full Version : Getting better

10-19-2013, 11:16 AM
Hey All,

I joined this forum in Sept. and have been dealing with anxiety for a couple of months. Mostly general and health related.

I have been doing much better. My anxiety levels are still higher than most, but have decreased to a very good degree. I still get overly anxious in some places and I need to work on that but in general I feel a big improvement.

I used to visit the forum daily and look for answers but I find myself coming back here less and less; I guess that is a symptom one is feeling better.

I am not sure exactly what it is that I did to improve my situation but I will list everything I can think of:

- started supplementing my vitamin D (my levels were very low) - I still have WEEKS before they are normal though

- started going to a therapist

- did some light hypnosis to deal with my anxiety (by far the best thing, in my opinion)

- accepted the fact that anxiety might be in my life for a little and that I am not in mortal danger as much as I feel like I am

- got a new hobby

Things I need to start doing:

- exercising

- working on my depression

- I am still stuck in 'my head' a bit and get fleeting anxious thoughts, I would like to stop those almost entirely

Don't take this is as one of those "I cured my anxiety!" threads. I haven't and tomorrow I could have the worst attack of my life. It is just that for the past 2 weeks or so, I have had much milder anxiety levels. I've done things I didn't think I could do a month ago (going to comic con, visiting friends in the NYC solo, etc...).

I just see the light at the end of the tunnel.

PS - I also think that reading other people's symptoms was NOT helping my anxiety at all. That's why I have tried to keep that to a minimum. If I can offer any advice to the anxious newb, don't WEBMD your symptoms, don't click on the threads about symptoms you are unaware of, you can actually bring them upon yourself by just reading about them. Sometimes it helps though, when hearing that someone else has the sam symptom as you but when you read about a new one (when dealing with health anxiety) you can trick yourself into think you have them too.

10-19-2013, 11:37 AM
That's excellent, newzie! It's great you are being so proactive. Really happy to hear it's paying off and that you're doing so much better. You sound really upbeat and on top of things, yet also realistic and accepting that you can't control what the future holds but that's ok. Love your attitude!! Thanks for sharing.

Very best of luck to you!!

10-19-2013, 11:42 AM
That's awesome you're getting better! I also have a vitamin D defficiency and I'm wondering if that could be playing a factor. My anxiety had been on off on since I was a kid so I try not to let it bother me too much. I hope to start feelig better after doing therapy and possibly taking a new medication which will possibly be Zoloft.

10-19-2013, 03:06 PM
That's excellent, newzie! It's great you are being so proactive. Really happy to hear it's paying off and that you're doing so much better. You sound really upbeat and on top of things, yet also realistic and accepting that you can't control what the future holds but that's ok. Love your attitude!! Thanks for sharing.

Very best of luck to you!!

Thanks Tail, and the same goes for you! Hopefully in a few months I can go from "felling better" to "what's a panic attack?!"

But as we all know, we must crawl before we can run:)