View Full Version : I just had a panic attack... Because I got cold...

Olive Yew
10-19-2013, 10:02 AM
WHYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!? Dang it Moon Moon WHY?!?!?! BEING CHILLY WILL NOT KILL YOU!!!!!! AAAAAAH! That was the stupidest thing EVER! I had to go stand in a steaming hot shower and shake for 30 minutes before the attack went away. So SO stupid.

10-19-2013, 12:44 PM
I wouldn't call it stupid. I think when we have a panic attack, if we have not had one in a while, we kind of feel like we have let ourselves down. So we are frustrated and even angry at ourselves. But we all have setbacks. They happen. It is all about what you do next. Accept it was just a setback and move on with things. Try not to dwell on it. Most importantly, don't be too hard on yourself.

Olive Yew
10-19-2013, 12:56 PM
Thanks... You're right... But also, i think my brain doesnt like my body to be uncomfortable... I tend to get more panic attacks if something is uncomfortable. Ex.: Tonsilitis, being cold, upset stomach, tired......

10-19-2013, 02:04 PM
We tend to be always on full guard. Panic or no panic. I think that can tense us up a lot. Plus it would also drain a person. Thus making your stomach upset and making you feel tired. So even without the anxiety attack we are all but wearing ourselves out. Which is why it is good to try and find things to do. Take our minds off of ourselves. But I'm sure you have heard all this before.

Olive Yew
10-19-2013, 02:08 PM
Yeah. It helps to hear it again though. I just get frustrated with myself.... Especially when I've been making good progress

10-19-2013, 02:09 PM
I had one the other day because I was tired, my brain didnt take into consideration the fact it had hardly let me sleep the night before lol. But the thing is when I'm truly ill my anxiety isn't that bad as I'm too ill to even think about it. Stupid anxiety just loves playing tricks.

10-19-2013, 02:46 PM
Having a panic attack cuz you got cold sounds like the same thing for me like the other when I got hot and my heart was beating faster cause I'm working...I think it is the change in the environment or just a change in itself that our brains hate and it makes anxiety fire into action because our normal set of feeling is being messed up, and since we are always on high alert, change easily makes us crazier...Eh, either way, don't be so hard on yourself--remember: two steps forward and one step back..but we can't always focus on the one step back part.. we are always improving, even if it's not moving as fast as we want... tell Moon Moon you'll by him a Sweater... :)

Olive Yew
10-19-2013, 03:26 PM
Lol i'm actually wearing a sweater today XP