View Full Version : Is this anxiety?

12-27-2007, 04:25 AM
Hi all,
I have had and am always having different health checks and all come back clear each time, thankfully.
So why do I get constant bloating episodes, bunged up nose, dizizness, palpitations, hot flushes, feeling like Im going to faint, shakyness, my ears feel blocked etc etc. If its anxiety - I dont know why I am anxious. Is this normal (not to know why you are anxious)?
I constantly worry about my health, often feel unwell and am becoming incredibly grumpy :cry:

12-30-2007, 03:37 PM
That sounds like you are having anxiety. Those are all symptoms of anxiety attacks. You should tell your doctor what is going on and maybe he or she can prescribe meds for you or tell you how to deal with it. Good luck!

01-03-2008, 03:54 PM
Yea, I agree with Kristina. Sounds like some of the typical symptoms. Like she said, talk to your doctor about treatment first, then you can start healing and dealing with it.

01-04-2008, 07:17 AM
Hi, I am new to all this.
I does sound to me like you are having anxiety attacks that are being brought on by health anxiety. I suffer from the same thing, if i have a headache, i think i have a brain tumour. If i have a sore arm i think i am having a heart attack. All the pains i have been having have been symptoms of my anxiety. As soon as i realised this, the pain went!