View Full Version : GAD sufferer needs encouragement

10-18-2013, 03:04 PM
I have suffered on and off for 7 years with GAD. Going through an anxiety flare up now. I see a therapist, take meds, and practice lots of self help (readings, journaling, etc). I have a hard time dealing with uncertainty in life and wondering if I measure up. I know I have lots of blessings and things to be thankful for but it's hard when the anxiety takes over. Just wanted to reach out to others with GAD to see what you do to help yourself cope and manage your anxiety.

10-18-2013, 07:35 PM
Hi Idts! Welcome! This is a great place to share experiences with people who understand what you're going through. I have GAD too so I know how you feel. There's a lot of helpful info here so have a read through some of the posts. I hope you like it here and I'll look forward to seeing you around!

10-18-2013, 08:47 PM
I have suffered on and off for 7 years with GAD. Going through an anxiety flare up now. I see a therapist, take meds, and practice lots of self help (readings, journaling, etc). I have a hard time dealing with uncertainty in life and wondering if I measure up. I know I have lots of blessings and things to be thankful for but it's hard when the anxiety takes over. Just wanted to reach out to others with GAD to see what you do to help yourself cope and manage your anxiety.

I also have GAD and I know exactly how u feel I denied it and was embarrassed by it for a year before I accepted it. Life is uncertain and so you got to accept that. (Harder said then Done I know) it's a horrible thing but if u accept that u can't predict or plan for the future then you can straight away feel better about it, I hope u okay x

10-18-2013, 09:24 PM
Thanks everyone for your kind messages! It does help so much to chat with people who truly understand what we go through, because lots of people don't get it and it's really hard to explain to people why I have the feelings I have at times. Thanks again for the support!