View Full Version : Is this Anxiety?

12-24-2007, 03:45 PM
I've been diganosed with GAD and OCD. Ever since I was probably in 4th grade I've noticed sometimes I would get deep into thought and all of a sudden kinda freak out it's hard to explain the i'd feel kind of out of it like I wasn't a real person? This would only last a few seconds. Recently it happend and I'd freak out and I found out the best way to combat it is to just scream outloud? Has anyone ever expirienced anything like this?

12-24-2007, 06:11 PM
Sure, many have. This sounds like a very common symptom. Feels a little like your in a "dream world". I've experienced many, many symptoms of anxiety and my advice for the best way to cope with this is do something to get your mind off it. Reading, television, conversation, and many others. Just these negative thoughts setting us off. Weird how we can hear all of the positive thoughts. "Christmas is tomorrow, I'm doing well in school, i have great friends." Those are just some examples, but then we think, "Oh, my breathing is short." That right there, could put us right into a panic attack. Weird how some of our brains work like that. Just fight back, with positive thoughts. I wouldn't go into to much research about it, if you have problems. Some of the things you may read, could cause other symptoms.

12-26-2007, 09:58 AM
Well, the dream-like symptom is pretty common. I used to just randomly go off into thoughts, and they would be REALLY bizarre... about the most completely random thing you could think of... and when I realized I was having these abnormal thoughts, I would freak out.

Along with the weird thoughts, I too had the "dreamy" symptom. It was like I was constantly in a dream, like I wasn't real, my vision was almost "cinematic" like I was watching everything through a camera. That was probably the hardest part of anxiety for me at first, since I didn't even feel real, I thought I was becoming schizophrenic or something.

But no, if those two things sound like you... I'd bet it was anxiety :)