View Full Version : Unsure of what to do next!

10-18-2013, 04:42 AM
Well after 2 years of all sorts of pains/tests, not to mention the amount of stress and anxiety i have been through.....i am no better off now than i was then. Worrying just dont make the pain go away nor does it help the anxiety.

Ive had a lot of concerns the last 2 years from things i could have because of the pain i was getting, i still dont know what ive got wrong with me and all the things i thought i could have and have been tested for RESULTS- nothing!

Iam sitting here now wondering what to do next. I was due to travel away this morning about a 3 hr journey and return tomorrow, well im still sitting here. Im unsure if i should just go, leave it until tonight, ring the doctors or go straight to the hospital.

One of the pains ive had is an ovary pain and Ive been to the doctors many times about this . Three doctors have seen me and examined me and felt nothing. Yet 10 minutes before im in agony when they press and prod i dont feel any pain. I used to get it a couple of times a month now i will get it 25 days out of a month. Within the last 2 years i have had a smear, ultra sound scan, Ovary cancer blood test, full blood test and been examined. When the pain comes its like a pitching, throbbing, hot feeling which is mainly on the right but sometimes can be in the middle/left. A few times ive had pain around my appendix area but this goes.

Ive started to go to the gym to sort myself out and give me something to focus on and help stop the anxiety. Yesterday when i was in the pool it started then eased off then last night while at the gym it started again but this time i couldnt walk it lasted about 2 minutes then eased off. Before i went to bed i took some pain killers with a hot water bottle i managed to get asleep. I did wake up on/ off during the night and this morning my right side around my ovary and hip feels very delicate. Ive had panic and stress this morning as well as few tears, the anxiety has kicked in again. What have i got, am i dying, is something spreading i cant cope, what is happening to me? Im sitting here now and it feels warm inside but at the moment no pain.

I went to the doctors on Tue of this week to tell them once again about the ovary pain. So they are going to send me for a hormone blood test which is next Thursday and refer me to the hospital again for an ultra sound scan, so im now waiting for the appointment. I know i could have a cyst, fibroid, endometriosis but it could be something worse and if it is IM JUST SITTING HERE WAITING AROUND......I need to get it sorted or i want reassurance. Ive also had 2 c sections so im thinking it maybe scar tissue, but why would that start to happen now my youngest child is 14.

If i start to travel and i get in pain and need to pay a visit to the hospital i could be kept in or be there for days. I have the option to not go but i will let alot of people down. I have had moments of panic this morning and wondered if i should contact the doctor for an emergency appointment to see what their thoughts were or should i go straight to the hospital and get all the tests out the way. My other main issue is i have white coat syndrome ive got so scared of doctors, hospitals, tests. I have to force myself just to ring the doctor. I can feel my heartbeat go up, i panic and feel light headed etc. Last month in the hospital i had a panic attack while i was in there and the nurse got quite cross as she was trying to sort out one problem and i was causing another which made me worse. I know i need tests to sort out whats wrong but i worry about the result. My head is very messed up at the moment and i was being so positive the last few weeks.

Sorry to go on

10-18-2013, 11:51 AM
Hi majored. I'm sorry you are dealing with this unexplained pain and all the accompanying uncertainty and fear. I really hope the doctors can get to the bottom of it. In the meantime I can imagine that trying to decide whether or not to go away this weekend is just adding to the stress. Probably though, it would be a good idea to try and go. That way, at least, as you say, you are not just sitting around at home waiting for something to happen. You are taking charge of the situation. Also, if the pain does get bad when you are away, you can always get medical help there, since you will still be near a hospital etc. Obviously, that would not be an ideal scenario and I really hope that doesn't happen, but at least, you can comfort yourself by saying that you will still have the option of going to a doctor, even if you do go away.

I know it's a really difficult situation though because obviously, the pain is making you feel bad physically and it's making you scared. So definitely not a good state to be in and I can really understand why you might want to just stay home. It's just that staying home might make you focus more on the pain and the worry, whereas going away as planned could help with that.

Wishing you the best, majored!

10-18-2013, 01:23 PM
I am also afraid of doctors and it sucks because I have all kinds of health problems, so I can relate to what you are going through.

When you see the doctor, do you call it ovary pain? Because if you do, I suggest you stop calling it that, so maybe they'll stop focusing on your ovaries. Why don't you ask them to perform a cat scan? I think that could be really helpful, instead of giving you the same test again. I'm just saying because I get kidney stones (which aren't serious), but hurt really, really badly, but they feel like I am having pain in my ovaries, even though I am not because they are so near the ovaries.

Basically, a cat scan will look at all those organs instead of just focusing on the ovaries. And maybe an x-ray would be good, too. They should be doing all that anyway for you if you have abdominal pain. That's what they always do for me.

By the way, cat scans aren't at all scary. You just lay there. It's not like MRIs where they put you in a tiny tube. There's no tiny tube, just a giant hoop that you could get up and walk away from if you really wanted to. I hate MRIs with a huge passion, but cat scans are all right.

10-19-2013, 02:05 AM
Hi thank you for your replies. Well i didnt go i just sat here all day, i wasnt in a great deal of pain but i had loads of weird feelings mainly on the right side. I didnt go to the hospital as i felt i wasnt on the floor rolling around with pain and it would be wrong to and waste their time, i know it was the anxiety making me feel worse. I did think it could be my appendix ,kidney or bladder. The strange sensations made my anxiety go quite high and in turn my partner got quite annoyed with me. He thinks i make everything worse than it is, but as i said to him im the one with anxiety.....his strong im not. I did have a little pain on the left side which made me feel quite relieved one minute then i thought OMG things are spreading. It went into my right hip and across the stomach at times. The only time it eased off was when i went to bed with a hot water bottle. So this morning ive woke up and im walking around quite slowly trying not to start it off. Ive had a few niggles on both sides i can only say it feels very delicate inside. It can also feel like a period pain at times.

TAILSPIN, I know what you are saying is true. I thought if i need to go to hospital i didnt want to go into one miles away i wanted a hospital near me, its about 5 minutes away. The anxiety and panic was giving fuel to the fear. I dont feel i have any control over it nor my body as it feels its one thing after another.

SWEETYPIE, Ive got something going on in my body besides the anxiety. I dont know how many tests ive had done and each time i have to force myself to have them done the anxiety stops me doing things. I want to know what the problems is but im worried about what ive got. So because i fear the answer i fear the test, i just cant win. As much as a cat scan would tell me what wrong i fear the results. I wish i could be stronger and over time this has just got worse.

My plan is to get ready and do the journey when i get there do what ive got to do and turn around and come straight back today. Normally i would stay 1 -3 nights.

Thanks for your support.

10-19-2013, 12:24 PM
Hi majored, I'm glad the pain didn't get worse at least. And I can understand about preferring to go to a hospital near you. I can really relate when you say that you don't feel you have any control over your anxiety or over your body. I feel exactly the same way. My body seems to have a mind of it's own and I get a lot of physical symptoms which make me really anxious. Oftentimes it is my physical symptom which cause the anxiety. I hate that!! Like today, I just woke up feeling nauseated and kind of weak and generally unwell. I get these feelings a lot and then I get anxious and depressed about feeling this way. Medical tests haven't been able to shed any light on it, so it just remains a vicious cycle! Anyhow, I really know where you are coming from!!

It sounds like you are going on your trip today and you are going to make a day trip out of it. I really hope it goes well! Let us know how you get on!

10-19-2013, 01:02 PM
Hi majored, I'm glad the pain didn't get worse at least. And I can understand about preferring to go to a hospital near you. I can really relate when you say that you don't feel you have any control over your anxiety or over your body. I feel exactly the same way. My body seems to have a mind of it's own and I get a lot of physical symptoms which make me really anxious. Oftentimes it is my physical symptom which cause the anxiety. I hate that!! Like today, I just woke up feeling nauseated and kind of weak and generally unwell. I get these feelings a lot and then I get anxious and depressed about feeling this way. Medical tests haven't been able to shed any light on it, so it just remains a vicious cycle! Anyhow, I really know where you are coming from!!

It sounds like you are going on your trip today and you are going to make a day trip out of it. I really hope it goes well! Let us know how you get on!

Hi Tailspin, I managed to make my trip got there picked somebody turned around and came straight back. I sat with a hot water bottle on my lap to try and ease things. It was doing alot of twinges and felt very warm inside and moved from left to right. I find it takes the edge of things when i make the hot water bottle hotter than the warmth i feel inside if you know what i mean. I did also feel a few sharp pains around my appendix almost like a stabbing pain. Every now and then it goes mad..it feels hot and i can only describe it as loads of things moving around inside of my womb.
On the way back i thought could i have an infection of some sort. The doctor had given me some antibiotics this week for a skin rash i had on my back and when i take one it makes me feel a little light headed and spaced out so i only took 2 and then stopped. Its now the weekend and my doctors are not open so i thought if i had an infection of some sort the doctor would give me antibiotics anyway. So i thought well would i rather be spaced out or in pain and worrying, so ive took one. When i went to the bathroom earlier my urine was a little cloudy . Also before i took the tablet i did have about 2 hours of being pain free. Im still worried sick about it as its not normal, something is wrong with me and i cant cope with it and i wont let on to anybody how i feel as it seems to wind my partner up.

I wish i didnt have anxiety i wish i could control it even just a little bit. I dont want to think the worse thing ever, or bad things all the time. Every time i get a ache thats it for me something bad is wrong. Anxiety just keeps going around and around it doesnt go away no matter how hard i try.
Im not getting alot of pain at the moment its more sensations and weird feelings throbbing, stinging, pinching, wriggling, pressure, hot, cold. I just hope ive got something simple as this has now been going on/off too long. I mentioned to the hospital 2 years ago i get like a warm feeling around my womb every now and then. The doctor looked at me and said unsure what that would be ive never heard of that in my 25 years!

take care x

10-19-2013, 01:03 PM
You say you have something going on inside your body. Can we assume from this that one of the previous tests has shown something up? Or is it just your mind that thinks you have that something else wrong with you? You know how it works with us anxiety folk. With some it just can't be anxiety doing all this to them. It has to be something else. I know I am new on the forum. So please don't be offended by my questioning if you really have something else. You may have posted about it elsewhere. But if you have something wrong with you now, would you not like to find out what it is and have it treated. Rather than suffer on. Yes. We all hate hospitals. The further we are away from them the better. But at times we have to brave it. Even though it may make our anxiety worse for a few days. I think I would be more anxious wondering what was wrong with me. I would rather have the answer. Then see where we go from there with it. Just hope things sort themselves out for you.

10-19-2013, 03:22 PM
You say you have something going on inside your body. Can we assume from this that one of the previous tests has shown something up? Or is it just your mind that thinks you have that something else wrong with you? You know how it works with us anxiety folk. With some it just can't be anxiety doing all this to them. It has to be something else. I know I am new on the forum. So please don't be offended by my questioning if you really have something else. You may have posted about it elsewhere. But if you have something wrong with you now, would you not like to find out what it is and have it treated. Rather than suffer on. Yes. We all hate hospitals. The further we are away from them the better. But at times we have to brave it. Even though it may make our anxiety worse for a few days. I think I would be more anxious wondering what was wrong with me. I would rather have the answer. Then see where we go from there with it. Just hope things sort themselves out for you.

Hi Cuchculan, i have had many tests and nothing has shown up. In my body i seem to have one pain and force myself to get tests done and then nothing shows up. Ive started off 2 years ago with one thing now i have loads of different symptoms. Im sure outsiders here me go on and think i just make more and more problems for myself but i can tell you its not like that at all. I dont want to be ill or want attention but its just one thing after another. I dont mind people asking questions so ask away and i wont get offended by anything.

I know i should get tests done as i want answers but the anxiety tells me it will be something bad and in turn i have to shut it out. I dont want to be told bad news so its like i avoid it. I try to be brave and force myself to get tests done, im having a blood test next Thursday and im waiting on an ultrasound. I needed an endoscope for my stomach problems and i just couldnt do it, i was in a lot of pain and so scared that i had something very wrong with me. Well it took a year to do it and in Jan this year i just got up and thought this is the year to sort my health and anxiety out. Ive had the endoscope and i managed to have it done while awake and it showed nothing. They said the problem i had that was building up acid had healed itself, because i had left it so long.

You are right in everything you say and i do have to be brave. I know any normal person would just go and get themselves checked out or see they they didnt have a problem at all and that it was just a pain. I get anxiety just going to the doctors even if its an appointment for someone else. I have got a very good doctor who seems to know what im like and has seen me when im low, however i bet she is fed up with me.

Its almost like i want to go into a room tell the doctor what the problem is and they say " oh its only this, take one of these and your be ok". I know its not like that i have a problem and it dont go away and i need a test to sort it out. Then i have to wait for the appointment, then i go in, then wait for the results. Sometimes from going to the doctor until the results it may take 6 weeks and for me thats 6 weeks of anxiety. I just hate it and i wish i wish i was normal!

10-19-2013, 04:10 PM
Hi again, majored. Well done for making the trip today. That's good news! I was just wondering whether you are getting any treatment for the actual anxiety? Have you tried any kind of anti-depressant medication? I do take an anti-depressant and it has helped a bit. Mainly it has helped with my panic attacks. I still have a lot of generalized anxiety and also some depression. But the anti-depressant does help a bit, so I continue to take it. I've had a lot of therapy too and I did learn some useful things. The trouble is I'm not always good at applying the skills I've learned (for example, CBT).

Anyhow, I know the physical symptoms you are having are a big part of the problem, but I was thinking that if you could get some help with the anxiety part, then it could make everything a bit easier?

Well done for having the endoscopy, by the way. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to do that. I am also really scared of hospitals and any kind of medical procedure. I'm scared of anti-biotics too!! It's really good you had the endoscopy done though.

Wishing you the best, majored!

10-20-2013, 07:14 AM
Hi again, majored. Well done for making the trip today. That's good news! I was just wondering whether you are getting any treatment for the actual anxiety? Have you tried any kind of anti-depressant medication? I do take an anti-depressant and it has helped a bit. Mainly it has helped with my panic attacks. I still have a lot of generalized anxiety and also some depression. But the anti-depressant does help a bit, so I continue to take it. I've had a lot of therapy too and I did learn some useful things. The trouble is I'm not always good at applying the skills I've learned (for example, CBT).

Anyhow, I know the physical symptoms you are having are a big part of the problem, but I was thinking that if you could get some help with the anxiety part, then it could make everything a bit easier?

Well done for having the endoscopy, by the way. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to do that. I am also really scared of hospitals and any kind of medical procedure. I'm scared of anti-biotics too!! It's really good you had the endoscopy done though.

Wishing you the best, majored!

Hi , i was given some medication a while back for the anxiety as well as the chest pains and i made the mistake of reading the side effects of the chest pain and headache tablets and i found a forum about the medication. Most people felt worse taking it, so i couldnt do it. As for the anti- depressant med i chickened out at the time a i was having so much heart burn the thought of making it any worse, i just couldnt do it. I had 23 weeks of CBT, which made me see things differently but didnt make the worry go away. It was nice to have somebody to talk to and chat about my problems. They said to me normally they deal with an issue like anxiety , i had anxiety and health anxiety and because i was dealing with pains and aches they were finding it hard to teach my brain to forget about it.

Sometimes it helps just by having somebody to listen to me and understanding me with the fears and worries i have. The doctors seem to be ok with me and some of my friends are great and give me great comfort.
The endoscopy i dont know how i did it at the time, shaking and crying, but i knew i had to do be done. Then last month it was the breast clinic crying like a baby and then having a panic attack as well as feeling sorry for all the other women sitting in the room not knowing their fate. Its weird after ive been like that and ive had to deal with the problem. I dont walk out of that feeling oh ive done well to make myself go to that appointment and get through that. I just walk out like nothing has happened like i never had a problem, never worried , never had a pain. Yet the pain never goes straight away it still hangs around for a few weeks, then comes back at a later time.

I forced myself to go out this morning without any painkillers to take my mind off of it. I took a antibiotic before i left and the pain was on/off for a few hours and then its eased off with a few niggles here/there. Ive just took another one as i have to take 4 a day . Im still having aches and pains along side warm sensations in my side and around my womb area. Im trying to be positive and just say its just a bladder infection or the appendix has got a few niggles.

I may ring up the doctors in the morning if iam strong minded or if im in real bad pain.
Thank you so much for chatting to me its helped knowing that people will take the time to listen and help!

10-20-2013, 12:03 PM
Hi majored, Really glad you were able to go out today. I often find that staying busy and distracted is the most helpful thing. It's so true what you say though that it's hard to train our brains to forget about things when there are constant pains there to remind us! I have the same problem. A lot of the time I just don't feel well. I'm not necessarily anxious. I just don't feel well. But then the not feeling well MAKES me feel anxious! I'm finding this to be a really hard cycle to break. So I definitely know where you are coming from!!

I also know what you mean about reading the labels that come with psychiatric meds and scaring yourself off by reading about all the possible side effects! For a long time I was too scared to try an anti-depressant too. But finally I was just so fed up that I gave in. And I can honestly say I didn't have any bad side effects. I still have this fear around taking other medication. For example, anti-biotics are a huge problem for me. So it's great you are taking yours!!

Hope you remain as pain-free as possible and that you have some good days, majored!

10-21-2013, 02:19 PM
Hi majored, Really glad you were able to go out today. I often find that staying busy and distracted is the most helpful thing. It's so true what you say though that it's hard to train our brains to forget about things when there are constant pains there to remind us! I have the same problem. A lot of the time I just don't feel well. I'm not necessarily anxious. I just don't feel well. But then the not feeling well MAKES me feel anxious! I'm finding this to be a really hard cycle to break. So I definitely know where you are coming from!!

I also know what you mean about reading the labels that come with psychiatric meds and scaring yourself off by reading about all the possible side effects! For a long time I was too scared to try an anti-depressant too. But finally I was just so fed up that I gave in. And I can honestly say I didn't have any bad side effects. I still have this fear around taking other medication. For example, anti-biotics are a huge problem for me. So it's great you are taking yours!!

Hope you remain as pain-free as possible and that you have some good days, majored!

Hi Tailspin, It does help if you are distracted theres nothing worse that laying there wondering whats happening to your body.

The bad feeling inside has eased dont get me wrong its not gone, when it comes its not as bad and doesnt appear to last as long. Im still using a hot water bottle and having bad night sleeping i think that due to worrying.

I went to work today it ached a few times, yet i was busy and thought about it hurting. I came home and i went swimming for an hour to also take my mind off of it. I dont notice it as much when im moving around. I also spoke to my doctor on the phone, she thinks it could of be the antibiotics that have caused the pain. AS i could of had a reaction to it, the sharp pains she think could be my scar tissue pulling on things. However these things are all guess work as no tests have been carried out but she is the doctor and she would know more than i would. I can go in as an emergency appointment if the pain starts to get worse. Even if it does a little twinge i start to panic now and yet ive had a lot worse and put up with it. It starts and i start to feel real sick inside the panic starts to take over my body . Fear and dread sets in then my heart starts to beat real fast.....all over a little twinge that doesnt hurt but just feels uncomfortable..

Anyway i hope everything is ok on your side of the water! x

10-26-2013, 12:54 PM
Well its been a week since this episode of pain. Ive had a difficult week of mixed emotions and different types of pain. Every day the pain is there , i try to keep calm so the anxiety doesnt make me loose the plot.

I feel so helpless at times. I sit here with pain etc and i keep hearing in my head, " you have got something and its getting worse . Your just sitting here not doing anything about it" Then i think if i go to hospital can i face the tests, the worry , the anxiety, the knowing? If i sit here and dont do nothing then the anxiety is here anyway and it builds up not knowing whats wrong with me!

Ive done the thing that i told myself i must not do .....GOOGLE..... As you can guess the worse thing come up which added fuel to the fire . Ive booked another appointment with my doctor and the earliest appointment is 10 days away. I dont know if i can cope that long!

Today i took a few painkillers to keep the pain at bay then about an hour ago it started this time on the other side. 9/10 its on the right side and there it was starting on the left.....OMG its spreading PLEASE DONT LET IT GET WORSE.

I dont know if ive got PCOS as i have some of the symptoms but i do have symptoms of other things to. I have to keep reminding myself the doctor checked me not so long ago and she couldnt feel anything. Why do bad things and problems keep entering my head. I feel so drained with all of this, ive had so many problems and if its not one thing its another.

im sorry to go on, i just needed to rant for a bit.

10-26-2013, 01:31 PM
PM me. Or however this page works. I would love to shed some light on this for you. Even if I can't, it's gotta be worth a shot. :)

11-01-2013, 01:14 PM
Well for the last 2 weeks i have been in quite a lot of pain which comes and goes. Ive had it in my hip, belly button, right hand side of belly botton, down my leg, along my c section scar, around my appendix, around my knee , under my right rib and my fight breast. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I just cant take it anymore my mind and thoughts are just doing over time and the anxiety is so high i feel im going mad. I feel so upset inside like i should be doing something and yet im too scared to do it. Im sitting here the top of my right leg and groin is aching. Its not hurting real bad but the anxiety is making it feel alot worse than it is and in turn i can feel the panic inside me and i cant control it. The only person i have to talk to is my OH and he gets fed up with me going on about it. He tells me its nothing and mainly in my head. Most of it might be but i can feel the pain.....the pain is not in my head im not making it up. The anxiety gives fuel to the fire and makes the pain seem worse than it is, i know all of that. I cant stop worrying about all these aches and pains. I can not see inside my body i dont know whats going on so i panic. If it was on my skin i could see it and deal with it better. Now as im typing the groin pain has eased and its just above my knee. Thats how it moves around all day every day. However sometimes it will stay in one spot for approx 2 days like a tooth ache that niggles.

I have the doctors on next week, i dont want to loose it when im in there and im always worried what they will say. I want to try and relax but its just not happening. I feel my head is just such a mess and i cant sort it out. I dont know what to do !!!!!!!

11-01-2013, 04:04 PM
I have this exact same problem right now and thought it was ma appendix. Had a ultrasound scan an that came back clear.

The doctors have said its IBS and cuz i'm constantly thinkin about it and gettin anxious about it i'm makin the pain worse.

I'm styl fearin its something serious even thou i had the scan :(

11-01-2013, 04:05 PM
Get some buscopan or colpermin and see if it works to stop the pain :)

11-01-2013, 06:07 PM
Hi Dweeb, thank you for your reply. I do feel so alone and i know that the only people that would understand me is someone who has been through it. Pain got a bit bad about an hour or so ago and OH was going to take me to the hospital but i was too scared to go. The pain has started to ease and i feel more relaxed , ive taken a couple of tablets to take the edge off it before i go to bed. I just hope im going to be ok and its nothing bad but i cant help but think its something .......

Im glad you have been sorted and you know what it is. They told me 2 years ago it was IBS but im not sure how i can get it in my breast or down my leg and thats why i panic. How long had you been in pain?

Many thanks

11-02-2013, 02:56 AM
Ive had it for about 4 weeks on and off some days it can be horrendous i'm styl scared that its ma appendix even thou ive had the scan so i'm propz makin the pain worse by constantly thinking about it!

Ive had the pain everywhere in my ribs in the top of ma leg an the chest pain bt i put that down to constantly thinking about it and workin myself up.

Ibs can effect alot of places and cuz we worry we tense up which makes the pain worse cuz all our muscles are stiff.

11-02-2013, 09:10 AM
Hi, i had an ultrasound scan last Sept because of all the pain i was in. They checked my liver, gallbladder,kidneys, ovary, appendix, womb etc and nothing showed up. I went home and a couple of weeks later i went back to the doctors because of the pain under my ribs. I was then given blood tests for my liver and that came back ok. They said is could be something do do with my bowel. I tried a lot of medication and cutting out things that would start it off , milk , bread, coffee etc. Nothing happened i didnt get any better. Then i noticed a swelling under my right rib which made me really panic but 5 doctors have said its nothing. This year as well as all the pain has spread to the ovary area, breast and my back. Last month i went to the breast clinic and they said i was ok and then i had a lung xray which also came back ok.

People have mentioned i could have a trapped nerve or it could be muscular. At times I do think its to do with the appendix or the gallbladder. As you can imagine ive been doing alot of research on the internet as well as asking many doctors questions. However as soon as the pain starts somewhere else i think ive got something else, or something is spreading. Last night i lost the plot a little because i couldnt take the pain. I still do have it today but its not as bad as last night.

At times i feel like im going mad and im sure that others think im just making up one thing after another. The fact i can find someone that has the same sort of pain has eased my mind a little, so thank you. My doctor has told me i have IBS but was never sure if it was IBS causing all this pain or there was something else besides the IBS causing all of this.
I know i must believe in what the doctor tells me as they know more than i do but i find it hard to think a pain in my breast is not something do to with my breast.

Many thanks and hope to chat soon

11-02-2013, 03:34 PM
Ikno how hard it is to trust wat the doctors are sayin cuz i find it hard to believe that this pain is down to IBS and nothin else.

With appendicitis the pain doesnt get better and will just gradually get worse and worse and stay in one place so i dnt think u need to worry about that.

Try some ibs relief medication and see if that helps :)

11-04-2013, 01:30 AM
Yesterday as the day went on the pain got worse and started to come down my legs to my knees.

I may have IBS but i think ive got something else as well:(

About 3pm i ended up going to sleep for a couple of hours. Then in the evening it got even worse I tried to relax and not think it was anything bad i took a few meds and then a hot water bottle to bed to ease the ache on my stomach. I did manage to get to sleep about 11pm.

This morning I have the doctors, which im sort of pleased about in one way as i can get her to answer my worries but im also picking my blood test result up. So i just hope they come back ok because that would mean another thing/worry out of the way. I find it hard to go to the doctors but i have to force myself to go. Next week is my hospital appointment, i just need to keep calm. I will ask the doctor about IBS again.

11-04-2013, 03:16 AM
Awwww good luck with ur doctors appointment and ur blood test result.

I'm sure everything will be fine :D and u can start to put ur mind at ease.

Yeah defos ask about IBS if your blood test results come back normal.

11-04-2013, 03:26 AM
Hi, I am sorry if this was already mentioned but have you heard of endometriosis? I have lived with it for many years and it can cause pain like you describe in the pelvic area. I don;t kown so much about the knee pain though. You had an ultrasound so I am guessing no ovarian cycsts were found? The thing with endo is that one may have little to no evidence of it yet much pain, and vice cersa. Maybe read about it a bit. Okay hope this helps and also that you feel better.

11-04-2013, 11:08 AM
Awwww good luck with ur doctors appointment and ur blood test result.

I'm sure everything will be fine :D and u can start to put ur mind at ease.

Yeah defos ask about IBS if your blood test results come back normal.

Thank you Dweeb, after waiting over an hour to get in to see the doctors. My bloods came back ok, i was hoping that she could tell me something from the results but they were normal. The doctor still thinks i have IBS but does think i have more than one thing. The abdomen pain im having around my ovary could be PCOS, scar tissue or endometriosis. The scan should pick up PCOS but wont pick up scar tissue or endo.

I have the hospital tomorrow to see the eye doctor as i kept having very bad migraines and i have to have a field of vision test. I wish i could get used to all of these appointments and tests!:confused:

11-04-2013, 11:21 AM
Hi, I am sorry if this was already mentioned but have you heard of endometriosis? I have lived with it for many years and it can cause pain like you describe in the pelvic area. I don;t kown so much about the knee pain though. You had an ultrasound so I am guessing no ovarian cycsts were found? The thing with endo is that one may have little to no evidence of it yet much pain, and vice cersa. Maybe read about it a bit. Okay hope this helps and also that you feel better.

Hi Amaranth
Endometriosis has been mentioned a couple of times and then the next doctor would dismiss it. My doctor today mentioned it again she said my bloods have been tested for all nasty things and its come back normal, however they can never be 100% correct. I had a ultra sound last Sept as i was having stomach pains from my belly button to my ribs and then an ovarian cancer blood test around May. I came out of the doctors feeling slightly better knowing she thinks its that and now talking to you who doesnt know me also thinking it could be that. Dont get me wrong i dont want anything wrong with me but id rather know whats wrong with me so it can be sorted. It may mean an operation in the long run.

From the research i did earlier on in the year, i know you can get leg pains due to the endo reaching nerves etc. I also know you can get bad migraines in some cases and ive suffered with that. I only have some of the symptoms but in the back of my mind im still slightly worried as it could be something that was missed or rare.

Thanks for your time

11-11-2013, 11:17 AM
Well sorry to go on....... this time tomorrow i would have had my scan and i should know if i have cysts/ something worse or nothing! Last week Ive been telling myself that ive Endometriosis which in turn has kept me calmer than i would normally be by now. I know its just a scan it wont hurt me but im just worried what the outcome could be. The fact that 2 doctors have said Endo and ive been doing some reading on the subject and a lot of my symptoms apply to Endo. I could be wrong and may have something completely different but if i start thinking along that line i will start to panic.

Ive had 2 years of worrying, stressing, panicking and crying not knowing what is wrong with me. Having pain then tests and the results come back normal. Ive been looking like im a liar and making things up or i want the attention Well i dont lie and i dont want attention nor do i want tests or to see a doctor.

The fact i think it could be Endo hasnt made me excited as i know it can be very painful and many women need operations to try and help sort out the problem. However its almost like i can take a deep breath and say to myself this is what could be wrong with me and it now gives me something to focus on rather than worrying about illnesses that could be going on in my body. Lets face it when you know what the problem is you then can work out how to deal with it. I do feel so much better now im worrying just about one thing where as before i was worrying about 20 different things.

I know either way no mater what happens tomorrow this is not the end of it but im really trying to remain positive and say to myself im on the right track. Its such a hard thing for me to do as im often negative and suffer with panic attacks when i go to the hospital. Yet i have to face my fears and make myself go there and see the doctors as im so worried about whats wrong with me. If you have seen any of my other posts you will tell what im like and if you knew me you know i cant control the fear and panic that rules my life.

I now just hope i can go through with it without to much stress.


11-12-2013, 05:40 PM
Good luck tomorrow, majored! Glad to hear you are feeling calmer than you would otherwise be because you are focusing on something specific. I think whatever we can do to trick our brains into remaining calm is good!

Hope the scan goes well and that the results show something that can be treated easily. Good luck!