View Full Version : Having a hard time when going to bed.

10-17-2013, 06:34 PM
So lately I've felt really good most of the time and the constant anxiety has been away for weeks, maybe even for a whole month. But at some point I started getting nervous when going to sleep and now I get these awful thoughts in my head almost every night and I dread going to bed. I used to get tired when it got late but now I feel like I'm on overdrive all the time.

So what happens is that first out of nowhere comes the palps, then I get these mini anxiety attacks that last for like 10-30 seconds each. After a while I start thinking things like "this is never going to go away" "I cant ever sleep again" or "I will never enjoy anything". Just dumb pointless thoughts that aren't even close to being true.

So yeah, anyone else feel like this? Its total bs being wide awake at 3.30am...

10-17-2013, 06:49 PM
All the time!!!! As soon as I lay down I become aware of my heart beat. I lay there and think I'm relaxed then start the flutters in my chest. Afraid I won't wake up in the morning, that it will always be this awful if I do wake up. BRUTAL! You aren't alone!

10-17-2013, 06:54 PM
Sorry to hear :/ Its never been this bad though. Im this close to having a panic atrack and theyre just so bad for me. Ive made so much progress lately and Im afraid this will affect it badly. Oh god how good it feels to live without this shit even for a while.

10-17-2013, 07:09 PM
I posted this to a similar thread the other day....

"Yup. My sleep anxiety started because my first panic attack (one yr ago) occurred right before bed. My sleep anxiety has lessened since then and I've moved on to other fixations...however, I understand where you're coming from. I would fixate on not being about to sleep yet I would always fall asleep. I'd fixate on having a mental break (my sister was hospitalized 3x - she thinks lack of sleep caused it) and worry more about not sleeping!

What has helped is reading in bed. Let your mind wind down. Consider tea as you read..try Yogi Bedtime tea. Even if it's a placebo effect, it is soothing and helps me wind down. Is reading something you can try?"

10-17-2013, 09:11 PM
3:30 is usually the time when I still see the time on my alarm clock. I go to bed at midnight :) , as soon as my head hits the pillow, i am awake, listening the heartbeat and it beats fast, losing feeling in my leg, shaking inside and other sign of anxiety. No reading, no tea, no breathing helps. I can count to 5 thousand sheep and I will not sleep. When I am completely exhausted and I take another pill , I will fall asleep. Then I sleep in the morning and working afternoons, my day is very short. Anxiety before bed is something I live for years. probably for decades....I understand what you feel.

10-17-2013, 09:58 PM
So lately I've felt really good most of the time and the constant anxiety has been away for weeks, maybe even for a whole month. But at some point I started getting nervous when going to sleep and now I get these awful thoughts in my head almost every night and I dread going to bed. I used to get tired when it got late but now I feel like I'm on overdrive all the time. So what happens is that first out of nowhere comes the palps, then I get these mini anxiety attacks that last for like 10-30 seconds each. After a while I start thinking things like "this is never going to go away" "I cant ever sleep again" or "I will never enjoy anything". Just dumb pointless thoughts that aren't even close to being true. So yeah, anyone else feel like this? Its total bs being wide awake at 3.30am...

That describes me for the last 5 years. It's a terrible annoying feeling but I've learned to make it were I'm so tired I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

10-18-2013, 05:16 AM
My anxiety is highest at night ALWAYS. I take clonazapam to relax, and take also allergy meds like Benadryl sometimes because it makes you sleepy without after effects the next day.
And I like my wine. Don't drink much else but a couple glasses of wine helps me settle.
I think anxiety can be higher at night when you are more alone with your thoughts. Also try meditation, relaxing games, reading, writing. Smart phones have loads of anti anxiety apps.

10-18-2013, 05:20 AM
I hear you I'm exactly the same racing thoughts, panic, no sleep!! I feel for you as it's debilitating.... xxxxx

10-18-2013, 05:38 AM
I can have a terrible time sleeping, and usually it's before an important event in which I should be well-rested. For the past 15 years, I've listened to audio books to help me fall asleep. I turn off the lights, set the timer on my little boom box to go off after an hour, and then lie back and listen. I listen to audio books from the library (I just download them, and I don't have to worry about returning them), or on audible.com or audiobooks.com.

Usually, I can fall asleep in 15 minutes, but sometimes, if I'm really stressed, it can take 2 hours. Still, at least you are being entertained and enlightened.