View Full Version : Husband with Anxiety troubles

12-24-2007, 01:12 PM
Hi there!

I am looking for a little insight...

My husband started having panic attacks, anxiety and depression a few weeks ago. He is doing much better, but still get really anxious, to the point of not being able to be alone. He needs to be constantly distracted and interacted with so as to distract his mind from going off on tangents. Too long of silent pauses or sitting in our house is too much. We have to go for walks and I have to constantly be engaging him.

He has this need to feel safe at all times. We spent a week at his parent's house because he couldn't be in our house. Now we are back to our house, but he is needy as ever. We just walked for 2 hours and he is still hurting, walked right in and called the doctor to see if he could get in today. I am running out of things to talk about and distract him with.

Any thoughts on how to deal with this? I'd love to hear from other spouses/partners and people struggling with this also. He only is at his best when he's involved in some not quiet, focused task.

Thanks for listening!!!