View Full Version : Health anxiety all the time!!!

10-17-2013, 10:30 AM
Hi guys,
I'm new to this site. Never have blogged or posted things before. I got reading some of the posts on here and thought I'd give it a try.
I have GAD and have for almost 10 years, I'm 29 now and live in Canada.
I am a google addict and constantly am googling symptoms. It's terrible. I have an annoying awareness about my heartbeat. Always think I am going to have a heart attack. Palpitations and flutters that leave me terrified. It's a constant cycle of bad thoughts and excessive worry. Hoping chatting on here to people will help some 😪

10-17-2013, 10:53 AM
Hi and welcome! You will find a great group of people on here who are always willing to listen and give advice.

I suffer from GAD as well. I got diagnosed a few years ago but I've always been a type A personality and always a little nervous.

Have you started any type of counseling or treatment?

10-17-2013, 11:09 AM
Hello Anxmeg..welcome to AF :)

I used to google symptoms--I don't anymore, it causes me to actually panic more as the results are not comforting, and I tend to self diagnose myself with a horrible condition, lol.. I heard on the news today that there is a word for that; Cyberchondria....I guess there's a word for everything..

But yeah, hopefully chatting on here will help you! I know it helps me.

10-17-2013, 11:34 AM
I basically have the same thing that you described and some days its bad others its not but it does suck. This forum has helped me by just reading other peoples stories and what they go thru. Hope it helps you too.

10-17-2013, 01:34 PM
Hi and welcome! You will find a great group of people on here who are always willing to listen and give advice. I suffer from GAD as well. I got diagnosed a few years ago but I've always been a type A personality and always a little nervous. Have you started any type of counseling or treatment?

It has been going on almost 10 years. Way back when it began I was on 35mg then up to 75mg of Effexor. Worked like a charm, I was never anxious, then all of a sudden it seemed to stop working. I then was put on Wellbutrin (300mg) and 10 mg of Cipralex. I began to feel after quite a few years that it was a.) bad to be on meds like that for such a long time especially if I want to have kids soon. And b.) I was still anxious, drug plan ran out so it was expensive, and therefore then what the hell was the point. It's hard on your liver to metabolize that sort of meds every day for years. So back in June I began weening off of the Wellbutrin first. Then cipralex. It was July 22 that I took my last pill. It was AWFUL at first. Brain zaps like crazy, dizzy, nauseous, feeling like crying all day for no reason... Withdrawals were bad. But they went away and I haven't felt those brain zaps and stuff since August. So I am off meds and don't plan on going back to them once I saw what they did to me trying to come off. I have recently started seeing a counsellor/social worker type lady. She seems young, maybe even younger than me. Since I read a lot about GAD I know a lot about it and felt at first that she didn't know much. I've been four times and I'm slowly liking her better. She gives me some good insight on how to look at different situations. I buy tons of books to help and the latest one I'm reading is "the mindful way through anxiety". It's decent and focuses obv on mindfulness and being aware during your attacks. For me tho I don't have panic attacks often anymore, it's more like a constant state of worry and being uptight. Along with a constant array of daily symptoms.