View Full Version : Tierd

10-17-2013, 06:26 AM
Does any one else feel tierd all day because of my anxiety I don't do as much as I used to sch run a couple of chores nwt much but I feel tierd prob with not doing much nd going to bed late and not aving an afternoon nap but does anyone else panic wen ther tierd thinking other things ? Then u feel more tierd with thinking about how tierd you are

10-17-2013, 08:20 AM
That's so me! I'm tired most days due to not sleeping well, but I no logically why I'm tired I just panic it's something else, like I must be tired due to an illness. I've had every test under the sun done medically but there's nothing there. I think it's just another of the annoying anxiety symptoms

10-17-2013, 08:57 AM
It is a symptom cuz the adrenaline makes ur body tierd and the over thinking makes ur mind tierd. :( it's horrible isn't it nd cuz it's the first day of that time of the month it's even worse. But it does make ur mind run way a head of its self thinking all sorts even if u do try and tell ur self it's anxiety. I say to my self u avent slept a lot ur GAD is ther nearly all day exhausting ur mind and body and uv 3 children so that's why ur tierd but I still find my self questioning what illness I av :( it's do annoying

10-17-2013, 09:12 AM
It is a symptom cuz the adrenaline makes ur body tierd and the over thinking makes ur mind tierd. :( it's horrible isn't it nd cuz it's the first day of that time of the month it's even worse. But it does make ur mind run way a head of its self thinking all sorts even if u do try and tell ur self it's anxiety. I say to my self u avent slept a lot ur GAD is ther nearly all day exhausting ur mind and body and uv 3 children so that's why ur tierd but I still find my self questioning what illness I av :( it's do annoying

It's very annoying I just wish I was how I used to be and stop over thinking everything. Mines health anxiety which is the worst along with the OCD (I'm constantly looking for signs of illness). That time of the month is horrendous my mood drops really low and everything gets magnified way out of proportion and it gets harder to rationalise. I've just got one child and he's always keeping me busy so you must be triply busy lol. To be honest I think people dealing with anxiety are some of the strongest out there, as we have to cope with our feelings and worries all day everyday and still put a front on to everyone else just to get through the day :-)

10-17-2013, 10:00 AM
Mines health anxiety too nd OCD thoughts it's so tiering isn't it u just keep wishing u was ok and like other people who do not have it :(. I've had it since I was 13 I'm 31 now but I've had times wer it's not been ther usually wen I'm working or studying but I think cuz I've been a stay at home mum for the last 2 yrs and I've had a bad time stress wise too it's come to it's worse in the last yr it's been very hard nd tiering I'm same I check my tongue for signs of illness press my stomach check nails for circulation the lot but I fear doctors so I dnt go to get a check over so my anxieties become worse at times then when I have good moments I feel so silly and wish I wasn't a worrier like I am. I've just bought the linden method (Charles linden) he's a guy who suffered anxiety, agrophobia and OCD for 27 yrs he cured him self and he now learns other people how to do it too. So I'm going to try my best to put it into practice. It has to be strong people who have this condition because if we wasn't we would function as well as we do ;). Charles linden believes people with very creative minds get anxiety and that if they are not using ther over active mind in a productive way then our minds will create anxiety ect. How long av u suffered ? Are u from the uk?

Olive Yew
10-17-2013, 10:13 AM
Yeah girl! Few weeks ago I ran in a 5K can was first in my age division. Now i'm like "someone carry me down the stairs". BLAH!

10-17-2013, 10:34 AM
Yes!!! I am always feeling tired, no energy either. I think I need to get a ton of sleep nightly yet my mother is busy from the time she wakes up til she goes to bed ( way later than me) and then it makes me think I have some disease that is causing such low energy. I do have low b12 and the oral vitamins didn't absorb properly so I get monthly shots in the arm. Doesn't help me much. I honestly think our bodies are just sooo worn out always that mentally we are exhausted from constant worry.

10-17-2013, 10:57 AM
Yes!!! I am always feeling tired, no energy either. I think I need to get a ton of sleep nightly yet my mother is busy from the time she wakes up til she goes to bed ( way later than me) and then it makes me think I have some disease that is causing such low energy. I do have low b12 and the oral vitamins didn't absorb properly so I get monthly shots in the arm. Doesn't help me much. I honestly think our bodies are just sooo worn out always that mentally we are exhausted from constant worry.

I agree! My parents are in their late 60's and have tons of energy. ..and me, on the other hand need a daily nap, go to bed early every night and I'm still tired on a daily basis. I think we are just mentally drained too....

10-17-2013, 11:39 AM
Yes!!! I am always feeling tired, no energy either. I think I need to get a ton of sleep nightly yet my mother is busy from the time she wakes up til she goes to bed ( way later than me) and then it makes me think I have some disease that is causing such low energy. I do have low b12 and the oral vitamins didn't absorb properly so I get monthly shots in the arm. Doesn't help me much. I honestly think our bodies are just sooo worn out always that mentally we are exhausted from constant worry. same my dads 70 nd he's on the go always and I used to be like that but the less u do the more tierd u become and like my self I think I'm tierd I'm tierd and then I'm more tierd cuz it's in my head all the time

10-17-2013, 02:02 PM
It takes a really long time for your body to go into a relaxed state after being so tense. Cortisol levels are high and adrenal glands are on high alert. Nervous system is on over drive. So if we calm down for the afternoon that isn't long enough to reset your body. It is exhausted and it takes a lot to become more energetic I'm thinking. Exercise should help but if you're at all like me, I get to the gym and am terrified my heart will beat too fast and then stop. Or that I'll exercise and become so dizzy that I'll pass out and be embarrassed. I'm trying to get to the gym but seems I've developed a fear of exercising as well