View Full Version : tablets

10-17-2013, 05:30 AM
I'm the worst at taking tablets I've never took any of the anxiety tablets I've been given yet. I take paracetamol and ibuprofen ok. I was given antibiotics (amoxicillin) on Monday as I have an abcess so got to take them for five days.. I've only just forced myself to take one just before (even tho I read the side effects!) now I'm worrying about it and trying to take deep breathes for no reason when I shouldn't which is making me think stuff!!! argh!!

10-17-2013, 08:25 AM
I think a lot of people fear tablets or the side affects from them. Side affects are rare though, and only a tiny majority of people get them. I've now been on my fluxotine and propananol for about 6 weeks and my health anxiety has almost gone. I've been left with other issues but I've started cbt now and hoping that's going to help. I've never had any side affects from amoxicillin they are a pretty wide spectrum antibiotic, used for many things. They take about 48 hours to start working so I doubt they will be causing you any side affects yet. Hope you are feeling ok apart from the tablets. Haven't spoke to you in a while. Inbox me if you want a chat em :-)

10-17-2013, 08:51 AM
I only need to take them for five days so should be ok :) back to dentist on Monday for x rays and a tooth out and root canal! could they fit that all into 45 mins??? don't know how I'm gonna cope!!! I'm ok otherwise. Hope your well :-) and feel free to message me too! X

10-17-2013, 09:04 AM
I only need to take them for five days so should be ok :) back to dentist on Monday for x rays and a tooth out and root canal! could they fit that all into 45 mins??? don't know how I'm gonna cope!!! I'm ok otherwise. Hope your well :-) and feel free to message me too! X

At least it's only 45 mins and I'm sure you will be fine, can you not take some music with headphones my dentist lets me and it calms me a little. Im fine thanks feeling a lot better still get good and bad days and thanks xx