View Full Version : Sometime you just got to laugh ...

10-17-2013, 04:59 AM
Even when fully Depleted ... sometimes you just got to laugh. Not exactly a great photo, however my daughter took a phone snap of me, in my completely deflated state. Even the dog commands more respect than I do. Hehehehe. Thought I'd just share some of the humor and throw out the suggestion, that no matter how far down you get ... sometimes it pays to simply laugh at oneself.
http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/PicsArt_1382005238627_zps9dcfddb4.jpg (http://s181.photobucket.com/user/davekyn/media/PicsArt_1382005238627_zps9dcfddb4.jpg.html)
I eventually reclaimed status along side the dog :)

10-17-2013, 08:28 AM
Hehe love the pic dave! It truly made me smile, my dogs like that too lol. I totally agree its great to laugh, laughing IS one of the best medicines around, and it's always better to laugh then cry :-)
Thanks for the pic :-)

10-17-2013, 12:33 PM
Love your photo, Dave! Thanks for that! I love how you and your doggy are kind of mimicking each other in your positions! My hubby and I have 4 dogs and it's amazing how often the dogs end up in the most comfortable seats in the house while my husband and I are either squished into a corner or forced to sit on the floor!! :) I love dogs so much though!!! <3