View Full Version : Setraline back

10-16-2013, 08:37 PM
So I got my repeat prescription for setraline back and bang the insomnia is back again I was just starting to get use to them but because I have had 4/5 days off them because they ran out and I had to wait till they did me some more. I feel like am going to have to get use to them all over again :(

10-16-2013, 09:03 PM
Good to hear you've been able to pick up the new prescription, Jamie! But sorry it feels like you're starting the medication all over again. Definitely want to try and make sure you don't run out. Have you been given a decent supply this time? It shouldn't take long to get used to the pills again, but I think you said that the insomnia was a problem the whole time you were on them before? Really hope you can get this sorted. Even if it means taking something extra to help you sleep. Did you get a chance to talk to your doctor about this?

10-16-2013, 11:59 PM
Good to hear you've been able to pick up the new prescription, Jamie! But sorry it feels like you're starting the medication all over again. Definitely want to try and make sure you don't run out. Have you been given a decent supply this time? It shouldn't take long to get used to the pills again, but I think you said that the insomnia was a problem the whole time you were on them before? Really hope you can get this sorted. Even if it means taking something extra to help you sleep. Did you get a chance to talk to your doctor about this?

Ano a was a bit weary when a weren't on them for that 4-5 days because I did feel sort of ok apart from a felt a bit teary and sad some times. Yeh ano but they can only give me 28 tablets at a time and they won't renew my prescription till I completely run out, I had a bit of an argument with the woman about it at the chemist. Yeh it was a massive problem I was waking up really nervous and feeling so tired but not being able to sleep. Another thing what I find strange and I know this is a side effect is they effect my co/ordination abit weird really only when I first wake up though. Really can't wait to see my doctor really tailspin I see him when these meds run out in 28 days hopefully he is more help than he has been I feel like he has just give me pills and said "get on with it "

10-17-2013, 12:49 PM
Ano a was a bit weary when a weren't on them for that 4-5 days because I did feel sort of ok apart from a felt a bit teary and sad some times. Yeh ano but they can only give me 28 tablets at a time and they won't renew my prescription till I completely run out, I had a bit of an argument with the woman about it at the chemist. Yeh it was a massive problem I was waking up really nervous and feeling so tired but not being able to sleep. Another thing what I find strange and I know this is a side effect is they effect my co/ordination abit weird really only when I first wake up though. Really can't wait to see my doctor really tailspin I see him when these meds run out in 28 days hopefully he is more help than he has been I feel like he has just give me pills and said "get on with it "

Oh wow, it's really crazy that you're being told you have to run out of your meds before you can get a new prescription, Jamie! That can't be right! The whole point is to keep taking the anti-depressant consistently, not stopping and starting. Can you put a call into your doctor about this? It sounds like you are seeing him soon, which is good. On the other hand, as you say, it doesn't sound like he is being very much help :-( Any chance you could get a referral to see a psychiatrist? They are much more knowledgeable about psychiatric meds. Good luck, Jamie!

10-17-2013, 01:52 PM
Oh wow, it's really crazy that you're being told you have to run out of your meds before you can get a new prescription, Jamie! That can't be right! The whole point is to keep taking the anti-depressant consistently, not stopping and starting. Can you put a call into your doctor about this? It sounds like you are seeing him soon, which is good. On the other hand, as you say, it doesn't sound like he is being very much help :-( Any chance you could get a referral to see a psychiatrist? They are much more knowledgeable about psychiatric meds. Good luck, Jamie!

Ano a said that but it's something to do with not being able to give a certain amount of anti depressants at the one time. Well a feel ok at the moment so touch wood it stays that way. I would love to see a psychiatric my mam says I need to see one because I am constantly worrying about my health even when it's something stupid that can be totally explained haha silly me ehh. Thankyou much appreciated :) al keep smiling and plodding on I will fight this

10-17-2013, 02:32 PM
Ano a said that but it's something to do with not being able to give a certain amount of anti depressants at the one time. Well a feel ok at the moment so touch wood it stays that way. I would love to see a psychiatric my mam says I need to see one because I am constantly worrying about my health even when it's something stupid that can be totally explained haha silly me ehh. Thankyou much appreciated :) al keep smiling and plodding on I will fight this

Love your attitude, Jamie! And glad you're having a good day today! Keep on truckin'!!!!