View Full Version : anxiety management.

10-16-2013, 03:11 AM
Hi all. Hope your all well today. I have been thinking about anxiety management a lot over the past week and am wondering if anyone does any health eating, exercise, or any thing in particular which helps them. I'm up for trying new things now and also want to start looking after myself better with a better diet and Def loose weight. Anyone tried this and it's working for them? Thank you x

10-16-2013, 12:38 PM
I go on at least 21 minute walks every day. It definitely helps a whole lot. Exercise tires you out so much that it's hard for you to get as wound up about your anxiety.

10-16-2013, 01:22 PM
I agree with sweetypie that exercise is really, really important. I have dogs and we walk several miles each day. Of all the "natural" things I do for my anxiety, exercise helps the most. I also try and watch sugar consumption (this is hard because I really love chocolate!!) because a lot of sugar makes me feel jittery and even though it boosts my mood in the short term, I crash afterwards.

Personally I also find meditation helpful, though I must admit I don't do this as much as I should anymore. I need to get back into the habit of meditating regularly again. Other things that help me are: trying to get regular sleep and journalling. I also take some supplements, for example, magnesium and Vitamin D (there is a lot of helpful info regarding useful supplements elsewhere on the forum if you have a read through some of the other posts).

Good luck to you, Lollsy!

10-17-2013, 03:47 AM
I agree with sweetypie that exercise is really, really important. I have dogs and we walk several miles each day. Of all the "natural" things I do for my anxiety, exercise helps the most. I also try and watch sugar consumption (this is hard because I really love chocolate!!) because a lot of sugar makes me feel jittery and even though it boosts my mood in the short term, I crash afterwards.

Personally I also find meditation helpful, though I must admit I don't do this as much as I should anymore. I need to get back into the habit of meditating regularly again. Other things that help me are: trying to get regular sleep and journalling. I also take some supplements, for example, magnesium and Vitamin D (there is a lot of helpful info regarding useful supplements elsewhere on the forum if you have a read through some of the other posts).

Good luck to you, Lollsy!

Thanks for all your useful information. Think its time I started looking after myself better and at least making a effort to try all these things as its got to be better than feeling like this. Xx