View Full Version : any success stories? people who have found ways to conquer their anxiety?

10-16-2013, 03:06 AM
I would love to believe that this wont be the rest of my life. This is no way to live. I am so fucking miserable. The town is changing all around me and I never see it because I don't leave the house, and its becoming harder for me to avoid taking my ativan, and drinking alcohol isn't helping me as much as it used to, in fact, lately the day after a night of drinking I have terrible panic attacks and think that I'm dying.
Any tips, advice, anything?
I wish I wasn't so afraid to die, I'd just be done with this shit.

10-16-2013, 12:33 PM
I've conquered types of anxiety, but not all anxiety.

I had really bad agoraphobia, like you are describing, where I couldn't leave the house EVER. Even stepping out the front door and not going any further gave me panic attacks.

For that, I just faced it a little at a time every day. Just said every time I stepped out the house,"Just five more minutes of staying outside" when I started to freak out and let myself escape and go back inside whenever I needed to. And over time it lessened and I hardly have any agoraphobia now.


I've also gone through years of remission where I felt no anxiety, but right now, I am experiencing a different type of anxiety.

10-17-2013, 12:07 AM
I got rid of my anxiety just recently. Every time I felt anxious I started dancing and jerking my body to send my amygdala (organ in your brain which is responsible for your anxiety) messages saying that there is nothing to worry about.

Believe it or not it only took two days for it to go away.

I am now 100% anxiety free, my life is back to normal.
This works for panic and all other types of anxiety. Stay strong. anxiety is 100% curable .

10-17-2013, 01:39 AM
when i have a panic attack my body jerks around whether i want it to or not. but that is awesome to hear, i'm really glad you are doing better :)

10-17-2013, 02:06 AM
Look I know how you feel, i went through this. It's a bitch and it makes you wonder why life can be so cruel. Please try this. It works for any type of anxiety or panic disorder, you don't have to live like this forever. You can have your normal life back.

Next time you experience an episode of panic or anxiety, just let it come to you, don't fight it off, instead invite it. Start laughing, start dancing and start messing around, be playful, I know it's better said then done but hey, it worked for me.

10-17-2013, 05:33 AM
We would all love a great success story, but maybe it's better to try and look at it as a series of mini successes and not as much failure--at least that's how it is for me! Work at what scares you, little bit little just so you can obtain a small victory...You said drinking makes it worse? Maybe stop drinking for a bit and see if things get a little better. Alcohol tends to make anxiety worse..good luck and sorry you are feeling this way.

10-20-2013, 07:02 AM
damnanxiety2hell, i tried your suggestion this morning while i was on the verge of a panic attack and waiting for my ativan to kick in. i shadow boxed for a while and it did seem to help some, so thanks :)