View Full Version : Getting a routine blood test

10-15-2013, 11:34 PM
how often should I be getting a routine blood test? I'm not sure whether it should be every six months or once a year. I'm sure many anxiety sufferers do it more often because we are worried about certain things (hypochondriac here)

Last time I had a blood test was in June so if it's every six months I'd get another one around November.. but I'm not sure if it's too soon or should I just wait till later

There's always recurring worries that I have, do I have this disease or that condition or whatever it is.. I think a blood test would help me but I don't want my GP to think Im nuts by asking for another bt very soon after my last one. And I'm 23 years old btw if that helps

10-16-2013, 01:32 AM
I had 1 in june and asked the doctor if i could have another 1 soon and he was like no cuz they dont usually see chnges in such a short space of time