View Full Version : Have derealization/depersonalization? This is the thread for you!

10-15-2013, 07:10 PM
I know a lot of people have dp/dr on this forum, and i'd like to help. I'm here if anybody confused with derealization or derealization, i'm here if anybody needs help. I've been suffering with severe derealization and mild depersonalization for a while now, so I know my way around. I know a bit about dp/dr, and I would like to ask if you know anything about it too, please share, and help everybody. I'll share what I know. (sorry, don't know much about depersonalization)

Derealization and depersonalization are classified as "dissociates". They ARE different, although they are a common pair. Derealization is the feeling of being disconnected from the world. The "dreamy feeling". Depersonalization is the feeling of being disconnected from your body. Most people with depersonalization disorder experience derealization, and a large portion of people with derealization experience depersonalization. The things that shocks a lot of people is how many people experience derealization. I used to think that derealization was this underground thing that us few people got. Nope. Believe it or not, but 25% of people through the age of 12-18 have experienced it before. Most people just think that they are tired and shake it off. People who can't shake it off are usually misdiagnosed with depression. Depersonalization disorder is far less common. For those young lings like me, next time you got to school, describe the symptoms to people and there are quite a bit of people that will actually be amazed because they thought they were the only ones. Derealization is a part of puberty. It's not AS common for adults to get it. Things that commonly trigger derealization and depersonalization disorder are: Medication, anxiety, recreational drug used (Most commonly marijuana), a change in environment, head trauma, or childhood trauma. Think about it for a second. How many people are medicated? a lot. Have anxiety? a lot. Recreational drug use? quite a bit. so on. The things is, most people will experience dp/dr in their lifetime. So don't think you're alone.

THE CURE TO DEREALIZATION? No such thing. Derealization CANNOT be cured. Oh no, I have this forever. Nope. Derealization can not be permanent either. Derealizaion isn't a disorder or disease. It's a state of mind. There is a lot of different reasons for derealization, but only one way to get rid of it. Stop.
Thinking. About. It. Only way in my opinion. How can so many people have derealization yet only for a short period of time? They don't think about it. They shrug it off. that's all you do.

THE CURE TO DEPERSONALIZATION DISORDER? Depersonalization disorder is a serious thing and should be treated as so. You may have experience depersonalization before, but DPD is a whole different thing. Not a lot of people have DPD, but if you are sure you do, I recommend seeing a doctor.

I really I hope I have helped at least one person, if not more. If you know anything, people reply. If you have any questions, please reply.

Good luck ;)

10-15-2013, 07:17 PM
I feel like I'm not me?? Like I'm foreign in my body. My time is all fucked up, too. And everything feels sped up...?

10-15-2013, 08:42 PM
Sounds like depersonalization to me. If this has been going on for a long time, then I suggest going to a doctor.