View Full Version : IBS and Anxiety

Olive Yew
10-15-2013, 06:00 PM
Okay so i know this is a gross topic but.... I had to post this (Same reason why a lot of other people have to post awkward questions... because their anxiety won't let you rest until you have answers). The same day i was diagnosed with anxiety disorder, i was diagnosed with IBS. I know the two can come hand and hand so that's no news to me. My thing is this: I find symptoms on all these health websites and they're all so vague. I think it would help me if someone who also suffers from IBS could tell me if my symptoms are normal or not.

I have all sorts of abdominal pain and my stomach is like one constant gurgle... we're talking "Let me demonstrate a whales mating call" bad. The pain isn't constant... the gurgling mostly is. The pain can be anywhere from just under my rib cage to all the way down to my pelvic area. A lot of the time, the pelvic pain can almost imitate what menstrual cramps can feel like. The abdominal pain can be sharp and stabby to crampy or even just a dull ache and it can literally show up ANYWHERE between my rib cage and my pelvis. I'll also get headaches that feel like the cross between tension headaches and sinuses (which I've read that headaches can be a symptom of IBS). I can feel bloated, heart burn, nauseous... and this weird like.... in between stage of all three that makes me feel like I'm going to explode.

Then my heart's been acting real funky. Last night I took my blood pressure and it was 103/66 (which is low for me). Then I just ate dinner and my heart felt like it was acting weird so I took my blood pressure again and it read 127/75 which is high for me. Um... what the heck?

And last but not least (and probably the most awkward, embarrassing, TMI thing), I think I have a hemorrhoid and it makes my intestines hurt in addition to the hemorrhoid itself. (and it doesn't itch and there's no bleeding). What's up with that!?! Is THAT normal!? Cuz I certainly haven't read anything that sounds similar to that. And that's freaking me out man....

My brain keeps trying to tell me that there's something abnormal and seriously wrong with me and I know I have anxiety which can tell me stuff like that 0.0 So I'd really like some help.... I know I'm a basket case... and this is a gross post.... and most people don't want to talk about it... But I'm feeling rather scared and alone right now :(

10-16-2013, 01:36 AM
Im exactli the same with my IBS my pain is constantly there from the top of ma stomach to my hips under my rib cage and my groin area sometimes my legs will hurt aswel. My stomach also makes noises all the time even after ive just eaten.

Like u i keep thinkin it something serious like appendicitus or something :(

This health anxiety sucks

10-16-2013, 02:08 AM
Hi Olive
ALL your IBS symptoms are what I had too so your not alone nor are you a basket case.
In regards to your blood pressure your anxiety can alter your blood pressure and how much fluids you have drank standing or sitting so don't let that worry you.
This is a place we can talk about everything

Olive Yew
10-16-2013, 06:32 AM
Ok that you so much! I'm so sorry you had to deal with this too though. It's miserable. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

10-16-2013, 06:55 PM
When you were simultaneously diagnosed with IBS, did the physician run tests in response to the symptoms you described above? Did you tell him/her about everything you've told us here and had certain tests done? Sometimes general practitioners will refer patients to specialists who have greater expertises in the area as well as more equipment to accurately assess and diagnose a condition.

It's true that anxiety/panic and gastrointestinal issues go hand-in-hand, but that's often in response to anxiety and isn't always a constant, day-to-day problem unless you're constantly anxious. Are you anxious all the time?

If you're trying to answer whether your IBS is simply a result of anxiety and panic and I were you, I'd get further tests done and explain EVERYTHING. Only then can you determine the source of the GI problems and find effective management therapy.

Olive Yew
10-16-2013, 07:09 PM
My GI issues are nearly daily where as my anxiety is touch and go. No tests were run for EITHER my anxiety NOR the IBS but... I think it's pretty obvious i have both. We dont really want to pay for a ton of tests which is why I havent had every test done to assure me that no, i am not dying of cancer or heart attack. Though my anxiety would LOVE that.

10-18-2013, 04:01 PM
My GI issues are nearly daily where as my anxiety is touch and go. No tests were run for EITHER my anxiety NOR the IBS but... I think it's pretty obvious i have both. We dont really want to pay for a ton of tests which is why I havent had every test done to assure me that no, i am not dying of cancer or heart attack. Though my anxiety would LOVE that.

My GI issues are nearly daily where as my anxiety is touch and go. No tests were run for EITHER my anxiety NOR the IBS but... I think it's pretty obvious i have both. We dont really want to pay for a ton of tests which is why I havent had every test done to assure me that no, i am not dying of cancer or heart attack. Though my anxiety would LOVE that.

Hmmmm, due to the highly subjective nature of anxiety, it is hard to test for but there are many trademark symptoms that suggest it's there. Instead of a causal factor, it is brought on and exacerbated by other health concerns, such as IBS in your case.

I guess this has more to do with your health concerns than anxiety.

Your BP and pulse, hemorrhoid (don't worry, you're anonymous =]) and IBS are driving you up the wall. If it's relief from this worry and anxiety you're seeking, there's tons of material here and online to help. If you're looking for some kind of reassurance regarding health issues, only a doctor or clinician can help you there. Others might be able to give you testimonials regarding their similar situations but they may not help.

Even though it was expensive, I still had tests done when I had health concerns. EKG, blood panels, physicals, biopsies, etc. Qualified examinations will tell you what's wrong and help you to better cope with the anxiety. Once you have documented, empirical data that tells you everything's okay, you can then tackle the anxiety and invalidate the irrational thoughts of worry and panic.

Olive Yew
10-18-2013, 04:17 PM
Considering i dont yet pay for my own medical bills and stuff, it all sort of lies on my parents shoulders whether or not I get tested for everything or not.... As I said, my anxiety would LOVE to get tons of tests ruling out every possibility but my logical side knows its ridiculous, its expensive, and to put it plain, I'm flat out stubborn. I want to face the bull head on and grab it by the horns and make it cooperate and then later on after all this has passed, i can look back and tell my brain "told you so" and live happily ever after..... I have a hero complex, what can I say? :p

10-19-2013, 02:39 AM
Okay so i know this is a gross topic but.... I had to post this (Same reason why a lot of other people have to post awkward questions... because their anxiety won't let you rest until you have answers). The same day i was diagnosed with anxiety disorder, i was diagnosed with IBS. I know the two can come hand and hand so that's no news to me. My thing is this: I find symptoms on all these health websites and they're all so vague. I think it would help me if someone who also suffers from IBS could tell me if my symptoms are normal or not.

I have all sorts of abdominal pain and my stomach is like one constant gurgle... we're talking "Let me demonstrate a whales mating call" bad. The pain isn't constant... the gurgling mostly is. The pain can be anywhere from just under my rib cage to all the way down to my pelvic area. A lot of the time, the pelvic pain can almost imitate what menstrual cramps can feel like. The abdominal pain can be sharp and stabby to crampy or even just a dull ache and it can literally show up ANYWHERE between my rib cage and my pelvis. I'll also get headaches that feel like the cross between tension headaches and sinuses (which I've read that headaches can be a symptom of IBS). I can feel bloated, heart burn, nauseous... and this weird like.... in between stage of all three that makes me feel like I'm going to explode.

Then my heart's been acting real funky. Last night I took my blood pressure and it was 103/66 (which is low for me). Then I just ate dinner and my heart felt like it was acting weird so I took my blood pressure again and it read 127/75 which is high for me. Um... what the heck?

And last but not least (and probably the most awkward, embarrassing, TMI thing), I think I have a hemorrhoid and it makes my intestines hurt in addition to the hemorrhoid itself. (and it doesn't itch and there's no bleeding). What's up with that!?! Is THAT normal!? Cuz I certainly haven't read anything that sounds similar to that. And that's freaking me out man....

My brain keeps trying to tell me that there's something abnormal and seriously wrong with me and I know I have anxiety which can tell me stuff like that 0.0 So I'd really like some help.... I know I'm a basket case... and this is a gross post.... and most people don't want to talk about it... But I'm feeling rather scared and alone right now :(

Hi, all the things you mention i have had even the hems. If you look at my posts you will see what problems i have had and the only answer they can give is IBS. Normally i have pain from my right ribs down to my abdomen. However i have had real bad headaches, watery eyes, blurry eyes, pins & needles in my lips, tight chest, popping in ears, feeling sick, chest pain, pain in my legs and hips, pain under my right rib, numb feelings in my arms, pain around my appendix, back pain, swelling face, swelling stomach, indigestion, heartburn, hair falling out. Last month my main concern was the right breast pain, this month my concern is right ovary pain. I have had breast and ovary pain on and off for a while but it starts to get worse and i can cope.

Please believe me you are not alone. I was also told the IBS in certain areas are giving me referred pain and could be pushing on a nerve which is why i can feel pain here there and everywhere. Dont get me wrong its not one thing in the morning and something else in the evening. I have had right rib pain for 2 years which i will get about 20 days out of a month. I hate having it but im slowly starting to live with it and eating certain things or cutting out things dont make it any better.

Ive been to see the doctor at the hospital about my head aches. Well it turns out they were migraines because im worrying to much about all my other problems its stressing out. Raising my bp which inturn puts pressure behind my eyes. So twitching of the eyes, numb lips etc are all migraine signs.

As for IBS you need to know what you can and cant eat. At first things like Coffee, chocolate, milk, tomatoes and brown bread would start me off with indigestion pains. Even having a piece of chocolate would start my headache off. Now i can eat those things, its just all trial and error.

There are days i cant cope, yesterday was one of them because of my ovary pain.

I hope things are better for you today.