View Full Version : I did it! I no longer have GAD

10-15-2013, 02:17 PM
As of today in happy to say that I no longer have anxiety!

Guys I'm going to tell you how I did it. I didn't use any medication or didn't attend any type of therapy.

First off, the doctor told me it would take months of attending phycology sessions to fix this. Boy was she wrong. It took me only a week to recover. And let me say this, don't listen to people when they say anxiety can't be cured but rather coped with. That's bullshit. All that did was crush my hope.

What you need to do is whenever you are experiencing anxiety, don't fight it, but let it be there, accept it. It can't hurt you or kill you. As you are doing this you need to joke around. Start laughing loudly, start dancing or roll around, say things like "c'mon you basterd let's see what you've got!"

Anxiety is like a little kid who likes to mess with you just so he can get a rise out of you. By doing this you are inviting the anxiety, not fighting it.

Now this sends messages to an organ in your brain called the 'amygdala'. This part of your brain is responsible for your anxiety level. Because of the stress you've experienced your amygdala has been set on 'high', it's like a thermostat. This is why you experience so much anxiety when you shouldn't.

By doing this you are telling your amygdala that there is no danger and in fact, you are having a good time. What this does is it starts to tune down. Eventually (within a week for me) your amygdala will return to normal.

If I had known this earlier on I could've gotten better ages ago. You don't need medication or therapy or supplements or any of that crap. You just need to re-wire your thoughts.

10-15-2013, 05:39 PM
Have to be one tough cookie to do that when I get anxious it's like everything inside of me stops and beats me all the time but I will try to attempt this

10-15-2013, 06:12 PM
Wow I wish I could achieve this, congratulations! I spend so much time wanting to roll into a ball and scream. I've got to figure out how to break the cycle.

10-16-2013, 12:36 PM
I'm glad you don't have it anymore, but you also need to put things into perspective. You had anxiety for ONE WEEK. A lot of us have had it for years. For me, I've had it 27 years and I'm trying to destroy lifelong patterns, while you're just destroying something you had for a week.

It's like me telling alcoholics that it's easy to give up alcohol. I've given it up completely and I don't even miss it. But they have an addiction and for them it is a struggle.

10-16-2013, 01:06 PM
I'm glad you don't have it anymore, but you also need to put things into perspective. You had anxiety for ONE WEEK. A lot of us have had it for years. For me, I've had it 27 years and I'm trying to destroy lifelong patterns, while you're just destroying something you had for a week.

It's like me telling alcoholics that it's easy to give up alcohol. I've given it up completely and I don't even miss it. But they have an addiction and for them it is a struggle.

Yes, I really agree with this, sweetypie. Not to put a dampener on things, but, the reality is that Anxiety Disorders cover a VERY broad spectrum, ranging from people who experience a brief bout of panic attacks once in a lifetime, all the way to complete nervous breakdown requiring multiple hospitalizations. And everything in between. Treatment for an Anxiety Disorder is most definitely not a one size fits all type of scenario.

For the most part I personally believe that the sooner you treat anxiety the better, and the longer you have it the more intractable it tends to become. That said, many people do a great job of managing life-long anxiety.

All this notwithstanding, I'm really glad you've knocked your GAD on the head, DamnAnxiety2hell! Good luck to you!!!

10-16-2013, 01:06 PM
I agree with sweetypie. Iv had this for 23 years and it's hard to just get rid of

10-16-2013, 02:03 PM
I'm glad you don't have it anymore, but you also need to put things into perspective. You had anxiety for ONE WEEK. A lot of us have had it for years. For me, I've had it 27 years and I'm trying to destroy lifelong patterns, while you're just destroying something you had for a week.

It's like me telling alcoholics that it's easy to give up alcohol. I've given it up completely and I don't even miss it. But they have an addiction and for them it is a struggle.

No I mean I've used this method for a week. I've actually had severe anxiety for over three months

10-16-2013, 02:54 PM
So happy to hear this is working for you but I do have to agree with everyone else..

10-16-2013, 03:03 PM
Guys do you think it could come back? I don't experience any anxious thoughts or anything anymore. I'm completely fine but when I read that for some people anxiety came back after it went away, it starts scaring me. Could it come back for me too?

10-16-2013, 03:14 PM
Guys do you think it could come back? I don't experience any anxious thoughts or anything anymore. I'm completely fine but when I read that for some people anxiety came back after it went away, it starts scaring me. Could it come back for me too?

I don't think it's anything you want to focus on. Just take really good care of your brain and heart and hope for the best. Your attitude just now of "I've beat it!" is the best - just where we all want to be. Let it be realistic, though, and understand that sometimes the issues can come and go, but be happy that you found something that works for you! Of course, just like meds, the same thing doesn't always work for everyone, but this works for you, and that is wonderful news!

10-16-2013, 04:47 PM
I don't think it's anything you want to focus on. Just take really good care of your brain and heart and hope for the best. Your attitude just now of "I've beat it!" is the best - just where we all want to be. Let it be realistic, though, and understand that sometimes the issues can come and go, but be happy that you found something that works for you! Of course, just like meds, the same thing doesn't always work for everyone, but this works for you, and that is wonderful news!

Well said, HAN!! Yes, we definitely don't want to rain on your parade, DamnAnxiety2hell! You have found something that works for you and you are now done with anxiety and that is great! So just focus on and enjoy that because it really is very good news!!

10-16-2013, 04:57 PM
I don't believe you. WHERE DID YOU HIDE IT? .............. IT BETTER NOT BE UNDER THE BED!!

Jk. Good for you buddy on figuring your mind out. Not many people go learn something and apply it with discipline.

Catching and treating it early. Ah, thats the sweet spot!

10-18-2013, 05:06 AM
My GAD comes and goes I find. But my anxiety an panic attacks stem from PTSD and have not. I used to have psychotic episodes mainly in flashbacks and depression which I don't have anymore... So over the past 16 years since my experience that triggered PTSD etc I've overcome a lot.
And my now husband was with my through some of my worst times.
I've come a long way but still have a ways to go. If I could be rid of my attacks I'd cry of joy. Those just don't seem to go away. Oh and have had ADHD and OCD since a child. But eh.