View Full Version : Relationship Issues causing Anxiety

10-15-2013, 07:26 AM
So, I understand no one has a perfect relationship. ....but when I get into a disagreement with my husband.....for instance, yesterday it was about him sitting next to me, sneezing twice and not covering his mouth. Now for someone who had health anxiety and I always seem to get sick easily. ...all I said was " can you cover your mouth when you sneeze?" This turns into a mountain of excuses from him....the last one being...." well, its just air I'm sneezing out"....to which in said....well your body is trying to get rid of something. ...germs, dust, pollen....something.....so he got mad because he had no more excuses....so he jumps up, starts screaming at me to shut up....then proceeds to punch a huge hole in our bedroom wall..... sweep everything off my dresser onto the floor and started kicking all my stuff out into the hallway. He then tried to blame ME for his beha

10-15-2013, 07:36 AM
Behavior. My nerves are totally shot and even though my bp is in check, my anxiety is through the roof.

This morning he woke up and made breakfast but my mood is still foul.....I can't snap out of it.

10-15-2013, 07:50 AM
Yeah, arguments stay with me for days too :-/

One of the lasting side effects of anxiety maybe. I'm not married, so I can get the space to clear it out of my head.

2 shots of rum to lighten you up? Come on, there must be an old Trinidadian remedy for this :-P

10-15-2013, 08:08 AM
Yeah, arguments stay with me for days too :-/

One of the lasting side effects of anxiety maybe. I'm not married, so I can get the space to clear it out of my head.

2 shots of rum to lighten you up? Come on, there must be an old Trinidadian remedy for this :-P

I do have some Trini rum in the cabinet. ...lol....haven't had a drink in about two years.....but seriously, I just might do a shot to calm my nerves. Arg....I hate feeling this way.

10-15-2013, 08:32 AM
Yaa mannnn *Clicks finger*

No, no, I can't seem to do what London trinidadians do. They always seem real happy though, so I have no problem trusting their advice! :P

Your husbands behaviour wasn't cool though, punching holes isn't the best way to be. Clearly it was quite intense. It seems to be our predisposition once we have anxiety, to take longer to recover from stress or conflict. I don't bounce back the way I did in the past. After arguments I just go quiet and kinda cold for like 2 days. Can't seem to help it. I just try and act normal and after some time it goes back to normal :-/

Once you've suffered anxiety, it seems to provide a conveyor belt of other little problems that seem to crop up.

10-15-2013, 09:03 AM
Yaa mannnn *Clicks finger*

No, no, I can't seem to do what London trinidadians do. They always seem real happy though, so I have no problem trusting their advice! :P

Your husbands behaviour wasn't cool though, punching holes isn't the best way to be. Clearly it was quite intense. It seems to be our predisposition once we have anxiety, to take longer to recover from stress or conflict. I don't bounce back the way I did in the past. After arguments I just go quiet and kinda cold for like 2 days. Can't seem to help it. I just try and act normal and after some time it goes back to normal :-/

Once you've suffered anxiety, it seems to provide a conveyor belt of other little problems that seem to crop up.

Yeah, I'm the same way. My mood is just off.....I'm trying...but my mood has just seriously taken a dive. I'll keep trying though. I definitely agree my husband's behavior was VERY unacceptable....and I think he understands that too..but I still can't seem to shake it off.

Lol...London Trinidadians seem happy, huh? I need a dose of that over here on the East Coast of the US. Its so cold and gloomy over here.....its terrible.