View Full Version : Please someone help

10-15-2013, 05:42 AM
So last night I had a curry and I noticed straight away it sent my stomach crazy, I have always had problems with my stomach as I have explained before, I have come to work and I literally cannot leave the toilet I have been on it all morning it's embarrassing av told me supervisor and all he said was that's the least of my worries get on with it. I am freaking out because it's sending my anxiety crazy my heart is arching and I have really really bad pain in my stomach 😥 don't really know what to do

10-15-2013, 06:57 AM
Are you scared of the pain? Or scared of getting sick at work?

10-15-2013, 07:22 AM
If I were you, I would very strongly think about taking a big jump towards getting your stomach issues sorted.

I'm unconvinced they are because of anxiety.

80% of serotonin is made in your stomach. If its in a bad way, you're gonna struggle with mental stuff big time.

Go to your doctor,,and don't request, but demand tests for lactose intolerance and celiac disease. Rule out the two big ones, if you haven't already. Soooo many people have these 2 things undiagnosed, and they cause havoc.

If everything comes back fine. Got to yorktest online, and buy the food intolerance test. It's around £250, not cheap, but will tell you everything your body has a problem eating. Most people have a handful of things come back, and almost everyone reports to feeling better after cutting them.

Once you've done this, work on strengthening your stomach. Spend 3 months, cutting all sugar, alcohol, dairy, wheat and eggs. Buy acidophilus from the health store, and take two a day. Buy omega3 oil, digestive aids, and vitamin c, take 2 a day again. Sleep lots and drink lots of water.

After 3 months doing the above things, your stomach will be feeling much better. It's designed to repair itself quickly, only we are always screwing with it, so it never gets the chance. You gotta get rid of that inflammation. It's essential!!! Also imperitive to your long term health. Inflammation will cause no end of problems as time passes.

For now, today, there's not much you can do, sorry. I've been there too with these problem. Maybe peppermint tea will help. But again, maybe.

Use the pain as a determination to improve things. Don't accept the diagnosis of IBS or anxiety stomach. Those concepts are stupid. IBS is doctor code for I'm Bloomin' Stumped.

You can see big improvements, it's not that cheap, not easy, but very worth it.

I have some ebooks I've used to overcome the same problems, I can send them to you.

10-15-2013, 09:26 AM
I struggle with foods like onions and anything spicy. The curry might have been not hot n spicy but any bit of spice I put into my body goes crazy in my stomach. What u need to do is relax (easier said than done I know!) but try and calm down. Are you more worried because you are at work? And the fact of what ur supervisor has said?

10-15-2013, 09:47 AM
I was scared because I felt I was going to pass out.

Thanyou for that information that really helps but I am scared of the docs I rarely very been I have only been a hand full of times in my whole life I feel like they might tell me bad news and it's all down hill from there...

10-15-2013, 09:50 AM
I was scared because I felt I was going to pass out.

Thanyou for that information that really helps but I am scared of the docs I rarely very been I have only been a hand full of times in my whole life I feel like they might tell me bad news and it's all down hill from there...

You can pay for these tests privately. I think boots do a lactose intolerance test, and I think there are certain places that do celiac testing with a pin prick that you send away.

It's worth doing to get your health in optimum condition. It will change your life and mood if you can get things in top shape.

I think it was hypocrites that said 'all illnesses start in the stomach'

10-15-2013, 10:34 AM
I was scared because I felt I was going to pass out.

Thanyou for that information that really helps but I am scared of the docs I rarely very been I have only been a hand full of times in my whole life I feel like they might tell me bad news and it's all down hill from there...

It's very unlikely that you will pass out from stomach pain. I've had kidney stones, a type of pain that people say is the worst they've ever, and it didn't make me pass out. I don't know if that's why you were scared that you would pass out or if it was because of anxiety symptoms.

If it's the latter, then whenever you feel dizzy, put your head between your legs and breath in and out, and you for sure won't pass out.

Whether or not your stomach problems are caused by anxiety, it's obvious that you feel a lot of anxiety, so you can't ignore that part of what you are going through.

Just know if you do take those tests that jessed suggested, it's not going to be something serious you have. Having a food intolerance is very common and won't seriously harm you in any way.

10-15-2013, 02:18 PM
How are you feeling now Jamie?

10-15-2013, 03:29 PM
Thankyou it really does help when people talk sense all speak to my doctor see what he has to say.

I had an eating disorder last year where I would starve my self this was after I split with my girlfriend of 7 years I tried to loose wait and look good and I did lose a lot of weight. I use to be a model and I had a contract but ever since all this I have totally just left it all behind.

Am feeling ok now still go to the toilet regularly to urinate though but ma guts seem ok at the moment just the odd rumble and pain hear and there

10-15-2013, 05:24 PM
Good that it has calmed down a bit. I urinate all the time and have to go loads in the night but I would prefer that then having diarrhoea.

Do u ever find certain foods make u worse u mentioned a curry did it have anything in it that could have set ur stomach off that uv eaten before? I can't eat onions peppers or anything tomato like.

Thing is with doctors they are keen on just prescribing drugs and that's not always the way. I suffered with my eating and lost 3 and a Half stone in a couple of months and went down to 6st13lbs. I find eating a struggle when I have my anxiety attack my bf left me when mine was at it's worse and now I'm always worried my bf now will leave me because of it.

10-15-2013, 06:35 PM
Yeh some foods make it a whole lot worse like curry and chicken tikka make me have loose stools and things like pizzas and greasy foods from take always give me constipation. It's like a never ending circle I have been on the toilet again at half 1 at night and I was just passing basically water !! I have eat chicken tikka sandwich though I only did it because I doubted that I was suffering from an actual decease. I think I'm going to look into this gluten intolerance because it's a possibility this could be the corse. I wish I could talk to you guys face to face I have so much to say and ask it would take to long to wright 😪 I heard that people who go on the gluten free diet there symptoms just disappear and they feel fine ?? This true what foods should I eat to just try it out

10-16-2013, 12:23 AM
Plus av had to stay off work today because a dont thing going in will be such a bright idea my supervisor is a bully anyways and when I told him about me being ill yesterday all he said was it's the least of my f*#*king worries at the min. So even though I can't afford to be ill I think it's the best option. Leave it 24 hours see how I feel

10-16-2013, 02:31 AM
U should deffo look into getting tests done to see if u have any intolerances to food I'm having them done too but I feel mine is just anxiety. Try and stick to plain foods today and no curry and see what happens iv been signed off for a week I'm too scared to go to work.

As for ur supervisor I had a job a few years ago and I had to leave because of my anxiety I spent the whole morning at work on the loo I was crying and shakin and I had to tell my manager I had been sick just so I could go home. I had no idea where it came from or anything. And when I got home I told him I was never going back and he told me to 'grow up and sort my life out' and 'I am a pathetic little girl'

People don't understand anxiety and people can be cruel but iv learned that the only person who is most important is yourself and we should look after ourselves. Look out for number one.